- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#270 opened by renovate - 0
An error occurred: <BUCKET NAME> already exists in stack arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:996242555412 ...
#952 opened by igoralves1 - 0
TypeError: bucketName.charAt is not a function
#948 opened by itsmepetrov - 0
Self-Signed Certificates
#912 opened by sprengerst - 7
- 4
Custom s3 configuration bucket names not supported
#515 opened by mbruning24 - 9
- 0
Pre-populated directory for my buckets?
#822 opened by peebles - 2
Connection refused after new version released
#810 opened by pablogdnd - 2
Browse file from browser
#341 opened by LTFENG - 0
- 2
Lambda handler runaway promise
#715 opened by Aconradty - 19
Does it support signed url upload?
#78 opened by chungweileong94 - 1
Frontend S3 bucket app
#658 opened by fedeiglesias - 1
AWS is not defined
#581 opened by peebles - 4
UnknownEndpoint: Inaccessible host: `localhost'. This service may not be available in the `us-east-1' region.
#116 opened by Nicoxys - 0
- 2
Support for get object attributes (Checksum)
#571 opened by colesiegel - 3
BUG - Meta Tags on PUT Command do not work
#89 opened by pl4yradam - 1
Crash in HeaderParser in dicer
#568 opened by skhrapko-amplify - 2
- 1
Supplied credentials being ignored
#561 opened by brdly-smith - 2
Update shelljs to 0.8.5
#449 opened by tomwillis608 - 2
#415 opened by jlgouwyapizr - 4
- 4
Broken versions >= 0.6.8 <= 0.6.12
#153 opened by jweyrich - 3
Getting Error: Cannot find module when used with serverless-webpack s3 event lambda invokation.
#276 opened by gghukasyan - 5
TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
#294 opened by sonjz - 1
- 6
- 5
- 1
Multiple creation of local buckets
#117 opened by vmtzkr - 0
Port mismatch in example config
#118 opened by uhinze - 6
Functions are not working with latest dependencies
#110 opened by jjdechavez - 1
- 1
- 1
Double bucket creation
#97 opened by HuEric - 1
- 6
Support for S3:Events Prefix and Suffix Rules
#93 opened by fffan64 - 1
Lambda is not triggered if S3 server was already started by another serverless project sharing the same S3 service with noStart=true attribute
#91 opened by amar02041988 - 0
TypeError: fromEvent is not a function
#83 opened by pratik12 - 0
S3 local started ( port:undefined )
#81 opened by ParthAnand1234 - 0
botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (MethodNotAllowed) when calling the AbortMultipartUpload operation: The specified method is not allowed against this resource.
#80 opened by aforslow - 2
- 0
- 3
- 0
Unexpected behavior
#75 opened by purefan - 1
Host address documentation is confusing
#72 opened by iwb-rubentytgat - 1
ApiGateway S3 Proxy
#70 opened by ed-sparkes - 1
injection of endpoint when offline from config
#71 opened by ed-sparkes