
Compiles meteor packages that contain Typescript on server and Angular library on client

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This package defines a meteor build plugin which is intended to be used in meteor packages that contain an Angular library and implements the Angular Package Format (APF)

It uses ng-pacakgr to compile the angular library and then installs it in node_modules. For the server files, it will read the tsconfig.server.json and pass that to the tsc compiler which will bundle the files as part of the meteor package.


Include it in the api.use statement inside the package.js file of the package containing the angular library:



Do not include this package as a direct dependency of your meteor app. This package is intended to work only as a dependency of a meteor package.


Start with the following meteor-angular boilerplate

git clone https://github.com/araad/meteor-ngx-base.git


Install the angular schematics into your existing meteor-angular project

npm install --save-dev meteor-ngx-schematics

Then generate a new package using the schematics

// Unscoped
ng generate meteor-ngx-schematics:package some-name --prefix some-prefix

// Scoped
ng generate meteor-ngx-schematics:pacakge @some-org/some-name --prefix some-prefix

Add new package to meteor app

// Unscoped
meteor add some-name

// Scoped
meteor add some-org:some-name

Once you start meteor, the package will be built and dependencies will beadded to package.json from local package directory.

Import angular library modules into your app

// Unscoped
import { SomeNameModule } from 'some-name';

// Scoped
import { SomeNameModule } from '@some-org/some-name';

Import server modules into your app

// Unscoped
import { SomeNameModule } from 'meteor/some-name';

// Scoped
import { SomeNameModule } from 'meteor/some-org:some-name';

Import common modules into your app (can be imported in both client and server side)

// Unscoped
import { SomeName } from 'some-name/common';

// Scoped
import { SomeName } from '@some-org/some-name/common';

Package Folder Structure

├── client
│   ├── karma.conf.js
│   ├── ng-package.json
│   ├── package.json
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── lib
│   │   │   └── some-name.module.ts
│   │   ├── public_api.ts
│   │   └── test.ts
│   ├── tsconfig.lib.json
│   ├── tsconfig.spec.json
│   └── tslint.json
├── common
│   ├── imports
│   │   └── SomeName.ts
│   ├── package.json
│   ├── public_api.ts
│   └── tsconfig.lib.json
├── package.js
├── server
│   ├── imports
│   │   └── SomeName.ts
│   └── public_api.ts
└── tsconfig.pkg.json