
Error in library("reprtree") : there is no package called ‘reprtree’

Opened this issue · 22 comments

The comment above is the error message I receive in R v 3.5.1 when I attempt to install the reprtree package using the code below:

have.packages <- installed.packages()
cran.packages <- c('devtools','plotrix','randomForest','tree')
to.install <- setdiff(cran.packages, have.packages[,1])
if(length(to.install)>0) install.packages(to.install)

if(!('reprtree' %in% installed.packages())){
for(p in c(cran.packages, 'reprtree')) eval(substitute(library(pkg), list(pkg=p)))`

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

Hi I was able to get this working by doing the following:


Hi, thanks for the alternative solution, however I just tried to run it and it gave me the error: Installation failed: Command failed (1)

Something is wrong with the documentation. Clone the repo or download it as a zip and extract it. Delete the man directory. Then in R run:

have.packages <- installed.packages()
cran.packages <- c('devtools','plotrix','randomForest','tree')
to.install <- setdiff(cran.packages, have.packages[,1])
if(length(to.install)>0) install.packages(to.install)

if(!('reprtree' %in% installed.packages())){
for(p in c(cran.packages, 'reprtree')) eval(substitute(library(pkg), list(pkg=p)))

Ensure to update the install_local line inside the if statement to your proper local path.

This did not work ... I tried the following ...

have.packages <- installed.packages()
cran.packages <- c('devtools','plotrix','randomForest','tree')
to.install <- setdiff(cran.packages, have.packages[,1])
if(length(to.install)>0) install.packages(to.install)

if(!('reprtree' %in% installed.packages())){
for(p in c(cran.packages, 'reprtree')) eval(substitute(library(pkg), list(pkg=p)))

Any thoughts?

Skinner927's comment on Oct 22, 2018 work perfectly. The key is to delete the man folder from the source code.

I cannot successfully download this package. I have tried all of the above code. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Hi @derkooh. I tried that and received the following error. I think that means there is a problem with the text.tree.R file on line 41. I don't know how to get around this.

Error: C:/Users/ariea/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpegrT1G/R.INSTALL2764203e7b56/reprtree/man/text.tree.Rd:41: Bad \link text

  • removing 'C:/Users/ariea/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/reprtree'
    Error: Failed to install 'reprtree' from GitHub:
    (converted from warning) installation of package ‘C:/Users/ariea/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpkvKMcv/file4180ec95f4c/reprtree_0.6.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status

@abalbar Did you try my solution? The generation of the manual causes the build to crash.

I haven't worked in R in a long time, but I just set up a new environment and had no problem installing this library using install_github.

However, since you're still having issues @abalbar, I forked the repo and removed the man directory. Try installing the library using my fork:


The fork you created worked for me @Skinner927. Thanks so much for your help!

I haven't worked in R in a long time, but I just set up a new environment and had no problem installing this library using install_github.

However, since you're still having issues @abalbar, I forked the repo and removed the man directory. Try installing the library using my fork:


I would like to share my recent experience in installing 'reprtree" and hope it may help others with similar problems.

Initially I encountered the difficulty in installing this package even following all the instruction discussed above (even the final solution code offered by Skinner927 cannot work...).

FINALLY, I realized it is my system problems--- R version is too old and extra packages are needed for this installation!
What I did are as follows:

  1. download the latest R version
  2. install 'devtools' package
  3. install 'installr' package
  4. install 'Rtools' pacakge (which is a must for some reasons)
    c.f. refer to the following link for installation of Rtools
  5. require all these three packages
  6. run the solution code offered by Skinner927

after updating R version...

install.packages("installr") # need this package to install Rtools
install.Rtools() #install the latest version of Rtools

#the solution code offered by Skinner927
#have to run randomForest before running reprtree

I haven't worked in R in a long time, but I just set up a new environment and had no problem installing this library using install_github.

However, since you're still having issues @abalbar, I forked the repo and removed the man directory. Try installing the library using my fork:


Thank you so much @Skinner927 !
it worked for me

sorry if the question is too silly, i'm still a beginner. I'm having problems installing the package -

Erro: Failed to install 'reprtree' from GitHub:
(convertido do aviso) installation of package ‘C:/Users/inaja/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpgzlHN2/file25e8327b3e25/reprtree_0.6.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status-

I've already followed all the steps, the only thing I don't know how to do and maybe that's the problem is "forked the repo and removed the man directory"
could anybody teach me how to do this?

@scatri Try the instructions in my other comment: #12 (comment)
Just run the instructions at the end of it in R.

I am using R version 3.6.2
I still unable to install reprtree package event I tried to follow #12 (comment).
Do you have an idea how to solve this? I am blank already.

Hereby I share the error:

Downloading GitHub repo skinner927/reprtree@master
√ checking for file 'C:\Users\LAB40\AppData\Local\Temp\RtmpIpHfcv\remotes51e07a146625\Skinner927-reprtree-213d622/DESCRIPTION' ...

  • preparing 'reprtree':
    √ checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ...
  • checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
  • checking for empty or unneeded directories
  • building 'reprtree_0.6.tar.gz'

Installing package into ‘C:/Users/LAB40/Documents/R/win-library/3.6’
(as ‘lib’ is unspecified)

  • installing source package 'reprtree' ...
    ** using staged installation
    ** R
    ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
    Error: (converted from warning) package 'tree' was built under R version 3.6.2
    Execution halted
    ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'reprtree'
  • removing 'C:/Users/LAB40/Documents/R/win-library/3.6/reprtree'
    Error: Failed to install 'reprtree' from GitHub:
    (converted from warning) installation of package ‘C:/Users/LAB40/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpIpHfcv/file51e01c6b5237/reprtree_0.6.tar.gz’ had non-zero exit status

Hi Everyone,

Never mind, i already found the solution.

My solution to install all package that is not in cran is like this.

  1. First, try to use command

  2. If error like mine in previous comment, you can try to search the "reprtree_0.6.tar.gz" in temp directory

  3. Then copy that file into any path in your machine

  4. Then try to install using GUI install and point to repository that you have save just now.

Its work for me on R 3.6.2

Have a try! Hope this will help others. Tq


> devtools::install_github('skinner927/reprtree')
> * installing *source* package 'reprtree' ...
> ** using staged installation
> ** R
> ** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
> Error: (converted from warning) package 'tree' was built under R version 4.0.5
> Execution halted
> ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'reprtree'

Any ideas on what to do?

Sorry @pdxeduarda , I haven't worked in R since 2018, and then it was only to help my wife with homework.

I have no idea what the error means, sorry.

Hi Everyone,

Never mind, i already found the solution.

My solution to install all package that is not in cran is like this.

  1. First, try to use command
  2. If error like mine in previous comment, you can try to search the "reprtree_0.6.tar.gz" in temp directory
  3. Then copy that file into any path in your machine
  4. Then try to install using GUI install and point to repository that you have save just now.

Its work for me on R 3.6.2

Have a try! Hope this will help others. Tq

Hi, thanks for the alternative solution, it works!!!

The fork you created worked for me @Skinner927. Thanks so much for your help!

I haven't worked in R in a long time, but I just set up a new environment and had no problem installing this library using install_github.
However, since you're still having issues @abalbar, I forked the repo and removed the man directory. Try installing the library using my fork:


I haven't worked in R in a long time, but I just set up a new environment and had no problem installing this library using install_github.

However, since you're still having issues @abalbar, I forked the repo and removed the man directory. Try installing the library using my fork:


Hi, Your solution works. Thanks, you are a life saver!

try devtools but from different source:
