This application is part of my interview process with MYX Robotics and consists of a BE and FE applications.
Node RestAPI with PostGre which takes HTTP request to store images to file system and database and provides image hosting
React MUI with PostGre that allows users to Upload, Delete images and interact with the RestAPI backend
Database System:
Hosted on Neon, connecting via Hasura GQL engine:
Steps to run both applications:
git clone
yarn workspace be start
yarn workspace fe start
BE Endpoints:
POST uploading images - takes a file upload and stores it files system and database ( can be extended to handle multiple file uploads ):
Endpoint: /api/image-upload
Headers: Content-Type: from-data
Req: “form-data”: (“image”, fileInput.files[0], <input_file_name>.<ext>)
Res: “message”: “File uploaded successfully.”POST delete images - takes filename and deletes from database and filesystem ( can be extended to handle multiple deletions, or delete based on different criteria) : Endpoint: /api/image-delete Headers: Content-Type: application/json Req: "raw": {"image": "<input_file_name>.<ext>"} Res: "message": "File deleted successfully."
GET image - takes a filename and returns URI (or binary File) Endpoint: /api/image-get Headers: Content-Type: text-plain Req: "raw": {"uri": "http://<URL>:3000/images/<filename>.<ext>"} Res: "uri": "http://localhost:3000/images/undefined"
GET image thumbnail - takes a filename and returns thumbnail's URI (or binary File) Endpoint: /api/thumbnail-get Headers: Content-Type: text-plain Req: "raw": {"uri": "http://<URL>:3000/thumbnails/<filename>.<ext>"} Res: "uri": "http://localhost:3000/thumbnails/undefined"
GET all images within a Geographical Bounding Box - takes four parameters: Min Latitude, Max Latitude, Min Longitude, Max Longitude and returns an array of all images within the GeoBB Endpoint: /api/image-get Headers: Content-Type: text-plain Req: "raw": { "minlat": 50.1, "maxlat": 53, "minlon": 1, "maxlon": 2.5 } Res: "images": { "myx_image": [ { "__typename": "myx_image", "id": "23eccea6-5960-484b-b692-68553b7d828d", "GPSLongitude": 2.056832583333333, "GPSLatitude": 52.642868138888886, "thumb_path": "http://localhost:3000/thumbnails/thumbnail-06aea741a5dfa2182fc2730975d11add.jpeg", "image_path": "http://localhost:3000/images/06aea741a5dfa2182fc2730975d11add.jpeg" },.... ] }