
Convert tweets to markdown

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Convert tweets to markdown


I quit social media in 2018 (https://jaydson.com/social-detox-rehab/ - Portuguese only).
I was on Twitter since 2009 and I didn't want to lose the good part of it (there is some, I think).

Before run

  1. Download you Twitter data from your Twitter account
  2. Open the file tweet.js and change the first line:
export const tweets = [ {  
  1. Copy tweet.js to ./
  2. Change the config.js file with your information Note that I'm using the +++ mark in my front matter, but you can easily change for ---, etc.
  3. Don't forget to copy your tweet media folder to your structure and change the path you want to serve your images

How to run

mkdir posts
npm install
npm start


This is my last tweet:

  "retweeted" : false,
  "source" : "<a href=\"https://about.twitter.com/products/tweetdeck\" rel=\"nofollow\">TweetDeck</a>",
  "entities" : {
    "hashtags" : [ ],
    "symbols" : [ ],
    "user_mentions" : [ ],
    "urls" : [ {
      "url" : "https://t.co/OcqN37iCFo",
      "expanded_url" : "https://jaydson.com/social-detox-rehab/",
      "display_url" : "jaydson.com/social-detox-r…",
      "indices" : [ "19", "42" ]
    } ]
  "display_text_range" : [ "0", "42" ],
  "favorite_count" : "5",
  "id_str" : "1034898743869534208",
  "truncated" : false,
  "retweet_count" : "2",
  "id" : "1034898743869534208",
  "possibly_sensitive" : false,
  "created_at" : "Wed Aug 29 20:21:02 +0000 2018",
  "favorited" : false,
  "full_text" : "Social Detox/Rehab\nhttps://t.co/OcqN37iCFo",
  "lang" : "da"

It will be converted to:

author = "Jaydson Gomes"
categories = ["tweet"]
date = "Wed Aug 29 20:21:02 +0000 2018"
draft = false
image = "{TWEET_IMAGE}"
slug = "7dffcf9a1433013e157d31838bef66565002208f"
tags = ["tweet"]
title = """Social Detox/Rehab https:..."""
Social Detox/Rehab