
A full-stack blogging platform created with Nextjs, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, Prisma, Redis + more!

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A full-stack blog platform with AI features such as post template generation and a helpful chatbot!

This is my biggest project thus far by a huge margin! Thanks for checking it out :))

Check it out here!

Technologies Used

  • Next.js 13's app directory
  • TypeScript
  • TailwindCSS
  • MongoDB
  • Prisma
  • Cloudinary
  • GPT3.5 Turbo from OpenAI
  • Framer Motion
  • OAuth
  • Redis for rate limiting
  • Emailjs for contact form
  • Zod for input validation
  • All UI components created from scratch


  • Get a generated post template based on your title
  • Get blog ideas/suggestions from a chatbot
  • Create blog posts with Markdown support
  • Preview blog posts in Markdown while writing them
  • Publish posts or save them as drafts
  • Upload or capture photos to go along with your post
  • Add a photo for your post directly from Unsplash
  • Follow / Unfollow users
  • Comment on posts
  • View a list of your following and followers
  • Browse other posts
  • View posts in both markdown/plain text
  • View your dashboard
  • Update your author name and profile picture
  • Delete your posts or drafts
  • Mark your published post as a draft
  • Search for posts via keyword
  • Filter posts by tags
  • Sort posts by most popular, latest, etc
  • View the most trending posts (ranked by number of comments)
  • View the top users (ranked by number of posts published)
  • Fully functional contact form implemented with Emailjs

Upcoming Features

  • Singing up for a newsletter
  • Upvoting posts/comments