
Contains my user.js and other configs for Firefox

Primary LanguageJavaScript


I have started to use Firefox as my primary browser and this repository contains all of my Firefox configs and instructions. These are to be followed whenever a new Firefox installation occurs on any new device.

Setup user.js file

I use Betterfox to "harden" my Firefox installation so that by default things like Mozilla telemetry, trackers, etc. are blocked by default for a more private browsing experience. Betterfox is convenient for me in the sense that it does not cause breakages and works as intended.

  • Go to about:config on Firefox and check out which profile is current active.
  • Open the root directory.
  • Copy and paste the user.js file into that folder

This user.js file comes directly from Betterfox, but it also has some Betterfox common overrides. The following have been overridden to be enabled:

  • Firefox Account syncing
  • Form and Address autofills
  • Search suggestions on the URL box (it's okay since I use Brave Search)
  • Google Safe Browsing

Smoothfox: Edge-like Scrolling

Betterfox also provides an Edge-like smooth scrolling experience on Firefox. They have a custom JS file called Smoothfox that enables this feature. To enable it:

  • Go to your user.js file
  • In the Smoothfox section (below "SECTION: SMOOTHFOX"), add all the code from the Smoothfox.js file.

It really is just as good as Edge.

Vertical Tabs on Firefox

It's also possible to get Edge-like vertical tabs on Firefox (If it's not apparent yet, I'm coming from Edge, and I still kinda like it). To get this feature, refer to Firefox vertical tabs on GitHub. The repository contains all the instructions on how to enable this feature.

After setting up vertical tabs, there may be a weird spacing on the top-right. To get rid of that:

  • Right-click anywhere on the Firefox toolbar and click on "Customize Toolbar"
  • Turn on Title Bar on the lower-left. The weird spacing will now be gone.