
Creating a Kubernetes Playground with Nested Docker

This guide simplifies setting up a Kubernetes environment within a Docker container. This approach, utilizing minikube-dind, provides a convenient and isolated space for experimenting with Kubernetes.

Building and Running the minikube-dind Image

Build the Image

docker compose up -d

This command leverages Docker Compose to build and launch the minikube-dind image in the background (-d).

Accessing the Nested Docker Environment

Interact with the nested Docker instance using:

docker exec -it minikube-dind-1 sh

This command grants you interactive shell access (-it) within the container named minikube-dind-1.

Verifying Docker Functionality

Confirm the nested Docker environment is operational by running:

sudo docker info

This command displays information about the Docker instance running within the minikube-dind container.`

Starting the Kubernetes Cluster

Deploy the Kubernetes cluster

sudo minikube start --driver=docker --force

If fails at first attempt, try these commands:

sudo minikube delete
sudo sysctl fs.protected_regular=0
sudo rm /tmp/juju-*
sudo minikube start --driver=docker --force

This command instructs minikube to utilize the Docker environment within the minikube-dind container to set up a Kubernetes cluster. The --force flag ensures any existing cluster is recreated and enforces the use of the "docker" driver even with root privileges.