Typescript Boilerplate (Vue + Node + Express + Mongodb)

Tech Stack

  • Environment Node@^16
  • Backend
    • express@~4.16
  • Database
    • mongodb@5.0
    • redis@6.0
  • Frontend Framework
    • vue@^2.6
  • Dev tools
    • yarn@^1.22
    • vue-cli
    • docker>=19.03
    • docker-compose>=1.25
  • Unit Testing
    • jest

Project setup

It is recommended to use docker for your dev environment. To start a docker container, run the following.

./shell/deploy.sh # for unix


shell\deploy.bat && REM # for windows


./shell/deploy-mac.sh # for mac


  1. Ensure mongo service is not running before running docker
  2. docker has enough resource like RAM (at least 4 GB), CPU, swap memory etc.

If you decide not to install docker, then install node, mongodb, yarn with version mentioned in Section [Tech Stack](#Tech Stack).

Follow doc/Redis.md for redis instruction Follow doc/Mongodb.md for mongodb instruction

Make sure you have @vue/cli globally installed & yarn is in your $PATH

yarn global add @vue/cli

To run only mongodb on docker follow doc/Mongodb-Docker.md

To install the dependencies, run



  1. if any error from sharp in mac while running this command, install vips first by running brew install vips
  2. If any error from sharp in ubuntu regarding python, ensure python command runs in terminal.
  3. if there is any error regarding ‘remove_cv_t’ is not a member of ‘std’; to install the dependencies, run
CXXFLAGS="--std=c++14" yarn


1. Go to packages/server/src/configs folder and do the following according to the example file

  1. Copy server.config.example.json as server.config.json
  2. To get & set the Google OAuth2 keys & secret follow doc/Google-Api.md
  3. To get & set the Fb Api key & secret follow doc/FB-Api.md

2. In packages/server/src/configs/server.config.json

  1. Update values if necessary. Match these values with docker compose if project is running in docker
  2. suppressApiLogging=1 will suppress api logging in console
  3. redisPort is where the redis server is running. It is necessary if suppressQueue !==1
  4. If baseServerUrl is empty string, it will be calculated from req. Otherwise it will take value from config
  5. if baseClientUrl is empty string, it will be calculated from req. Otherwise it will take value from config

4. In packages/utilities/configs/utilities.config.json

  1. devPort & prodPort defines in which port backend will run.

5. Copy .env.example as .env

  1. NODE_ENV is development for development. Set production for production environment

6. Copy packages/client/src/configs/client.config.example.json as client.config.json and update values

  1. In a restricted memory, vueBuildMemory can be set lower than 2048 MB, otherwise, keep it as example
  2. On build to point client side in different base path vuePublicPath can be used. In general, in local environment it should be kept empty string. See more
  3. If baseServerUrl is empty string, it will be calculated window.location. Otherwise it will take value from config

7. Restart the app after changing the config files

Start Server

If u update utilities or dto workspace, restart the app, restart the IDE or run

yarn build:others

To start the development server, run

yarn serve

if vue hot reload doesn't work without docker, To start the development server, run

yarn serve:local

This will start the @vue/cli server at https://localhost:8080 and express server at https://localhost:3000.

NOTE: If someone is running the projects first time they should set all the entry in scripts collection as isExecuted: true. Those are one time scripts, so for new setup, there is no need to execute those scripts.

The backend server uses a certificate from node_modules/webpack-dev-server/ssl directory. This certificate is dynamically generated when the front-end server starts. Thus, if the backend server fails to start properly, then wait for the frontend server to start completely (and generate the certificate), and type rs and press Enter to restart the backend server.

Now, visit https://localhost:8080.

Compile and minify the Vue app for production

Generally you won't be needed to run this in development environment. However, if you want to do so for some reason, you can by running

yarn build

Run your unit tests

To run unit test

yarn test

This will run both client & server side tests.

To run client side tests only, run

yarn test:client

Note that while running client side test, you may see a warning saying

[Vuetify] Multiple instances of Vue detected
See https://github.com/vuetifyjs/vuetify/issues/4068

You can safely ignore this warning.

To run the server side tests only, run

yarn test:server

Note that don't run server test while server is running in watch mode


To run client side linting, run

yarn lint:client

To run server side linting, run

yarn lint:server

Debug in deployment

We have added two commands to debug in deployment

  • vuex: If you don't have access to Vue Devtool, you can access the Vuex state by typing vuex in the console and pressing enter.
  • jsonVuex: Typing jsonVuex in the console and pressing enter will provide the same data as vuex but as JSON string.
  • user: Typing user in the console and pressing enter will output the logged in user as JSON string.
  • state: Typing state in the console and pressing enter will output the state of each component as a hierarchical tree.
  • getStateOf: You can use getStateOf(componentName: string) to find the state of a specific component. Since the same component can exist in multiple places in a DOM, this function will return an array.


  1. Run yarn upgrade-interactive --latest to upgrade package after first setup if needed.