
Original Source Code from Author

To setup Continuous testing with mix_test_watch

0 Mapping Our Route

Lay The Foundation With Elixir

Domain in native Elixir instead of ORM

Maintain state with Agents

Interface to wrap agents in GenServer

Finite state machine to manage transition

Supervision tree for fault tolerance

Add a Web Interface With Phoenix

UI in Phoenix (without Ecto)

Functional Web Development

Functional => composition at every layer scaled to application. :w

The Game of Islands

Similar to Battleship

  • 10x10 grid: A-J, 1-10

  • player sets islands

  • other player "forests" island by guessing location

  • winner forests all opponents islands

      C = Coordinate		I = Island
      %{} = Map					%A{} = Struct		[] = List
      							Game --> State Machine
      							/  \
      					 	 /    \
      						P1		P2
      Player --> Board %{C,C,C,..}
             --> Island Set %IslandSet{I,I,I,I,I}
      I --> [C...][C...]...

1 Define the Functional Core in Elixir

The Benefits

(Web) frameworks imply a certain domain and make business domain fuzzy

DB also distorts the domain

Let’s Build It

$ mix new islands_engine --sup

mix new create skeleton

$ tree
  ├── config
  │   └── config.exs
  ├── lib
  │   ├── islands_engine
  │   │   └── application.ex
  │   └── islands_engine.ex
  ├── mix.exs
  └── test
      ├── islands_engine_test.exs
      └── test_helper.exs

Discover the Entities, Model the Domain

  • Players need to be able to position islands on their own boards.
  • Players need to be able to guess coordinates on their opponent’s boards.
  • The game needs to determine if a guess results in a hit or a miss.
  • The game needs to determine if a guess results in a forested island.
  • The game needs to determine if a guess results in a win.


3 data struct options:

  • tuple {1, 1} but cannot be encoded as JSON
  • map %{row: 1, col: 1}
  • structs are like maps but they offer compile time checks on keys and runtime checks on type

Initial Coordinate module


$ iex -S mix to play with Coordinate

iex(2)> alias IslandsEngine.Coordinate

iex(3)>, 1)
{:ok, %IslandsEngine.Coordinate{col: 1, row: 1}}

iex(4)>, 1)
{:error, :invalid_coordinate}

iex(5)> %Coordinate{row: 5}
** (ArgumentError) the following keys must also be given when building struct IslandsEngine.Coordinate: [:col]
   (islands_engine) expanding struct: IslandsEngine.Coordinate.__struct__/1
                             iex:5: (file)


Guess == :hits + :misses

Use MapSet to ensure uniqueness




  • come in five different shapes, :atoll, :dot, :l_shape, :s_shape, and :square.
  • made up of group of coordinates
  • determine if island is forested

List comparison:

  • [1,2] == [2,1] is false
  • MapSet.equal?([1, 2]),[2, 1])) is true


Islands can be thought of as an origin coordinate with offsets.

e.g. :square = Origin{row,col} + Offset{1,0} + Offset{0,1} + Offset{1,1}

We can use Enum.reduce/2 to iterate over the offsets in building the island

💥 We have to check that the offsets are valid, better is Enum.reduce_while/3

IslandsEngine.Island create Islands with defined shapes


IslandsEngine.Board is simple. For now just return empty map

  • will hold player islands
  • broker messages
  • check forests
  • etc

Transforming Data


  • track guesses. don't need to remove them, only write
  • add guessed coord to Guesses map
  • ^ calculate if hit or miss

IslandsEngine.Guesses add :hit or :miss


3 roles:

  1. positioning islands
  2. guessing coordinates
  3. checking for a forested island.

Need to check for overlaps when placing islands. We can use MapSet.disjoint/2


Next we use MapSet.member?/2 to check if a coordinate is a member of a set

Island.guess(island, coordinate)

Check if Island.forested?(island)

Add a function to return list of valid island types

Check that we can get Island.types


Board roles:

  • knows about and addresses all islands
  • delegate function calls to islands



Use Enum.find_value/3 to find a hit island based on coordinate. Otherwise return :miss

Board.check_all_islands(board, coordinate)

Board.guess_response({key, island}, board)


Board.guess(board, %Coordinate{} = coordinate)

Board.position_island(board, key %Island{} = island)

Board should now be usable

Putting the Pieces Together

Final test for IslandsEngine

IslandsEngineTest add an assert

2 Add OTP for Concurrency and Fault Tolerance

Chapter 3: Not yet Published

Services, A Fuller Picture

OTP Solutions

Introducing OTP Behaviours

Getting Started With GenServer

Initializing GenServer State

Customizing GenServer Behavior

Pipelines to Handle Complexity

Naming GenServer Processes

Stopping GenServer Processes

Wrapping Up

A Bit of History

State Machines and :gen_statem

Getting Started with :gen _statem

Adding New Behavior

Fully Customizing Our State Machine

Integrate the :gen_statem with the GenServer

Seeing the GenServer and :gen_statem in Action

Wrapping Up

3 Add a Web Interface With Phoenix


OTP Applications

Generate a New Phoenix Application

Adding a New Dependency

Call the Logic from the Interface

Wrapping Up

The Beauty of Channels

The Pieces That Make a Channel

Lets Build It

Establish a Client Connection

Converse Over a Channel

Connect the Channel to the Game

Phoenix Presence


Wrapping Up

Appendix 1: Testing

Appendix 2: Installing System Dependencies