Outlook Email Processing Program


Step 1: Build the project

dotnet build

Step 2: Run the project

dotnet run

If you want to create exe file

dotnet publish -c Release -r win-x64 --self-contained

if you want to run as script



This program checks and downloads emails from the Outlook inbox at regular intervals (every 30 minutes). It specifically looks for emails from your_email with subjects containing "Email" and saves up to two attachments from each matching email to the local you directory directory. The program logs all activities and errors into a log.txt file.


  • Microsoft Outlook installed on your machine.
  • Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook library.
  • .NET Framework.


  1. Install Microsoft Office Interop for Outlook:

    • You can install the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook package via NuGet:
      Install-Package Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook
  2. Ensure the C:\Network directory exists:

    • Create the C:\Network directory if it doesn't already exist to save attachments.
      mkdir C:\Network
  3. Grant necessary permissions:

    • Ensure the application has the required permissions to access and manipulate Outlook emails and the file system.

Running the Program

  1. Build and run the program:

    • Use your preferred IDE or command line to compile and run the program.
  2. Logs:

    • The program logs all its activities and errors to a file named log.txt in the working directory. You can monitor this file for any issues or information about the program's operations.

Code Explanation

Main Method

  • The Main method initializes the logging and sets up an infinite loop that runs every 30 minutes to check and process emails.

CheckAndDownloadEmails Method

  • Initializes Outlook application and accesses the inbox folder.
  • Synchronizes the inbox to get the latest emails.
  • Iterates through all emails, checking for specific criteria (subject contains "your subjet" and sender is your email).
  • Saves up to two attachments from matching emails to the your directory directory.your_email

Log Method

  • Writes log messages to both the console and a log.txt file for debugging and monitoring purposes.

Handling Errors

  • Any errors encountered during the email checking and attachment downloading process are logged with detailed messages to help identify and fix issues.


  • Email Criteria: Modify the conditions in the CheckAndDownloadEmails method to change the criteria for processing emails.
  • Attachment Limit: Change the limit of saved attachments by modifying the condition if (i >= 2) in the loop.
  • Log File Location: Change the log.txt path in the Log method if you want to save logs to a different location.

Important Notes

  • This program is intended to run in an environment where Outlook is installed and properly configured.
  • Ensure that the program has appropriate permissions to interact with Outlook and the file system.