
Simple implementation of composer packages.json in go - Only use it when you know what you are doing

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Simple composer packages.json generator

This is a very small web services which can be used to create a composer packages.json from files stored on the file system. KISS! Additionally there exists an API endpoint which allows to upload composer packages, which are then stored according to the content of the composer.json.


I want to host private packages but no solution I found suited my needs. I need a very simple service where I can sent pre-generated ZIP files, containing a composer.json from a CI pipeline. For example the Gitlab composer package repository requires all files to be present in a git repository, since for a release I need to include generated data in the ZIP file and I do not want to keep generated data in the git repository this was not a viable solution for me. Also all other existing solutions I found were much too complex for my needs, and thus required too much configuration and maintenance. Additionally I do not need to distribute packages generated from some VCS.

Feel free to use this software for any other purpose, but note that I want to keep the API very lightweight and thus new features will only be added if I can integrate them into my use case. So feel free to open an issue to discuss specific features.


Suppose you have ZIP file containing a composer.json with the name <vendor>/<package-name> and version <package-version>. All other fields are not validated, so make sure that the composer.json is valid. All fields will be taken into account in the generated packages.json. Note that <package-version> does not need to be in the semver format, but any allowed folder name can be used.

The file system serves as "database", so that packages that should be included have to be placed in the folder data/<vendor>/<package-name>/<package-version>. The folder needs to contain two files, the composer.json which should be included in the packages.json, and a ZIP file package.zip containing the package content. Note that in principle the composer.json of that folder and inside the package.zip do not need to be equivalent. The API upload currently only supports these files to be the same, if there is a valid use-case please let me know, and we can discuss what is needed.

Additionally I wanted to test a small project in Go.


There are two pairs of a username and password required, one for the user and one for the admin basic authentication. The user credentials are needed for downloading packages and the admin credentials for uploading packages and they are read from the four environment variables {USER,ADMIN}_AUTH_USERNAME and {USER,ADMIN}_AUTH_PASSWORD. Currently they are all required. While for the admin API this will probably never change, the user authentication might become optional in the future. The packages.json is currently always accessible without any credentials.

Example setup

First clone the repository and run inside corresponding folder the build

$ go build

which should create an executable file composer-packagist.

Create a .env file containing the authentication credentials


Source the .env-file and run the application

$ source .env
$ ./composer-packagist

Upload a package using

$ curl -u <admin-user>:<admin-password> --data-binary @my-package.zip http://localhost:3000/admin/upload

and download it as <vendor>-<package-name>.zip using

$ curl -u <package-user>:<package-password> --remote-header-name -O http://localhost:3000/package/<vendor>/<package-name>/<package-version>

To use composer to install the package create a new directory somewhere and run inside that

$ echo "{}" > composer.json
$ composer config secure-http false  # Only needed if there is no SSL certificate, e.g. for the local web server
$ composer config repositories.foobar-test '{"type": "composer", "url": "http://localhost:3000"}'
$ composer require <vendor>/<package-name>:<package-version>

Note that if you deploy this on a web-server, you probably want to use a reverse proxy for SSL termination. Currently there is the limitation that the generated package URL is always with http, which will be fixed in the future, or feel free to create a pull request.

API Endpoints

GET /packages.json

Get all packages which are found inside the data directory.

GET /package/:vendor/:package-name/:package-version

Download a package ZIP containing the package content for the given parameters.

POST /admin/upload

Upload a package where the payload of the request should contain the ZIP file.