
Online examination system on Laravel 5.5. it contain 2 module Student and Institution , it also contain instamojo payment gateway for student

Primary LanguageHTML


Check live demo here

Contact for any info @ sunny6142@gmail.com or 7905510609


  • Make exams.
  • Create Test Series.
  • Add any number of Multiple sections in Exam and add ** any number of** question.
  • Public and UnPublic Exams.
  • Update question and number of question any time.
  • Tag questions based on difficulty level
  • Timmer base exam timeout.
  • Write the mathematical equation using math js syntax.
  • Real-time result.
  • Check student rank and result.
  • Add or Delete Student by the institution.
  • Check Attempt and unattempt Question in result along with the correct answer.
  • Student Sign up with payment gateway check out here

wesite contain two section : -

  1. Student
  • demo User id : sunny
  • password: password
  1. Institution
  • Sign up for demo Click on Institution, demo here

screenshot_2018-09-16 all exam corner conduct you exam with us