
Zimbra Scripts

Primary LanguageShell



Report zimbra mailbox size per folder for a specific user.

Sample output

[zimbra@zimbra ~]$ /tmp/zimbra-size.sh sakis@zimbra.gr
sakis@zimbra.gr's max mailbox size = 20480 MB, current mailbox size = 343.02 MB.

size (MB)  msgcount     unread folder
--------- --------- ---------- ----------------------------
        0         0          0 /Chats
        0         0          0 /Drafts
       12       221        221 /Inbox
       15      1001       1001 /Inbox/Tickets
      310      7158       7158 /Inbox/Syslog
        3        78         78 /Inbox/Wiki
        0         0          0 /Junk
        3        21          0 /Sent


Reports top 50 mailboxes by disk usage (quota).

Edit script to fix sender and recepient emails.

Execute script via cronjob (user zimbra), daily at 23:30

30 23 * * * /path/to/quota-report.sh

Sample output

From: admin@zimbra.gr
To: admin@zimbra.gr
Subject: Daily quota report for 2014-02-29

top 50 mailboxes by disk usage (quota)
5864 of 20480 MB takis@zimbra.gr
4310 of 20480 MB makis@zimbra.gr
3504 of 20480 MB soula@zimbra.gr


Tested with Zimbra 8.0.x.



Compact indexes if they have more than 50000 deleted documents. Triggered by https://bugzilla.zimbra.com/show_bug.cgi?id=76414

Execute script via cronjob (user zimbra), weekly

00 18 * * sat /path/to/compact-index.sh


Change Zimbra Mailbox Quota for a mailbox from command line. Interactive usage if no parameters given.