Next.js plugin + i18n API for Next.js 🌍 - Load page translations and use them in an easy way!
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Problem with next v15
#1229 opened by evgenyatlas - 1
Change language - compatibility with Next 13
#1210 opened by bdetry - 5
the demo example is not working
#1211 opened by llllash - 1
Next-translate does not work with turbo pack
#1223 opened by flyyt4 - 4
locales getting mixed on simultaneous requests
#1219 opened by piyush96arora1 - 1
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No formatter function `interpolation.format` client-side (with App Router)
#1226 opened by naesawork180 - 3
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Translation not working on client component inside layout
#1173 opened by zecka - 3
App Router - Default locale without it's name on url
#1155 opened by mbaldas - 5
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Integrating Sentry returns a Type Error: `Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'pageProps')`
#1218 opened by guillermo-avalos - 22
NextRouter was not mounted
#1217 opened by TheMikeyRoss - 0
Add support to ICU format
#1215 opened by aralroca - 2
Translations not being loaded when running development build (NextJS 14.1.4)
#1209 opened by MakakWasTaken - 15
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lang useTranslation hook not refreshing in sitemap page
#1203 opened by erwanriou - 2
Big loading times and scroll to top once loaded
#1204 opened by Graffalo92 - 1
t is unstable in appDir
#1205 opened by jessemartin - 1
App router for domain based local issue
#1202 opened by erwanriou - 7
404 when accssing homepage
#1177 opened by zakidze - 1
Docs reference incorrect format/formatter options
#1192 opened by Sicria - 20
404 error pages with next 14
#1166 opened by jaisharx - 5
Cold Start on dynamic routes
#1183 opened by maclementED - 0
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Buildng project using only app router
#1171 opened by BjoernRave - 1
Regular locale naming like "en" breaks the i18n config
#1190 opened by jaisharx - 0
Type safety for getT function
#1185 opened by hichemfantar - 1
404 on root when using baseURL in vercel
#1178 opened by kevupton - 6
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App router 404 without middleware or "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" with middleware.
#1141 opened by RubenHamakers - 7
next-translate-plugin breaks SSG in app router
#1154 opened by jakubjanousek - 2
Error: Cannot find module 'next-translate-plugin'
#1145 opened by marcusnunes - 2
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Warning: Detected multiple renderers concurrently rendering the same context provider.
#1176 opened by zakidze - 1
Localizations not working in prod bundle on NextJs 14
#1168 opened by dorin-flooz - 3
Next.js app build fails due to empty lang value
#1162 opened by wldhg - 0
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add Dependabot
#1161 opened by Akshayp02 - 1
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'loadLocaleFrom')
#1156 opened by brunoscopelliti - 0
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Split out useTranslationAppDir from the useTranslation hook into its own exported regular function
#1149 opened by PhilipAngelinNE - 0
Adapt getT to Next app router
#1148 opened by PhilipAngelinNE - 4
SSG not possible in app directory
#1144 opened by nickderobertis-ch