This is a simple sample to demonstrate Azure Static WebApps. It uses URL Rewriting in Angular. Click on "About", bookmark it and close and reopen the browser. Use your bookmark
The app is using a mock
that is defined in environments.ts and whos value will be replaced by the Azure DevOps -
. It contains the configuration for the Azure Static Web App. Here it setsURL-rewriting
rules.{ "navigationFallback": { "rewrite": "/index.html", "exclude": ["/assets/*"] }, "responseOverrides": { "404": { "rewrite": "/index.html", "statusCode": 200 } } }
Login to Azrue
az login
Create the Static Web App by execution
. You will use the deployment token later in your DevOps pipeline:grp=ng-adv loc=westeurope app=angular-app-$RANDOM az group create -n $grp -l $loc az staticwebapp create -n $app -g $grp token=$(az staticwebapp secrets list --name $app --query "properties.apiKey") echo "Deployment Token: $token"
into your Azure Devops tenant. It builds and deploys the app to Azure Static Web Apps. It uses the deployment token from the previous step.name: Angular Static Website trigger: branches: include: - master paths: include: - app/ui/* pr: none pool: vmImage: "ubuntu-latest" variables: nodeVer: '18.10.0' buildfolder: az-static-webapp apploc: '<path-to-angular-app>' apiUrl: 'https://mockapi.azurewebsites.net' deploymentToken: '<enter-token-here>' stages: - stage: Build displayName: Build Angular jobs: - job: Build steps: - task: NodeTool@0 inputs: versionSpec: $(nodeVer) displayName: Install Node $(nodeVer) - task: replacetokens@5 displayName: Update Config inputs: rootDirectory: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(apploc)' targetFiles: '**/*.prod.ts' encoding: 'auto' tokenPattern: 'doublebraces' writeBOM: true actionOnMissing: 'warn' keepToken: false actionOnNoFiles: 'continue' enableTransforms: false enableRecursion: false useLegacyPattern: false enableTelemetry: true - task: Cache@2 inputs: key: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(apploc)package-lock.json' path: '$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)/$(apploc)node_modules' cacheHitVar: 'npmCache' - script: npm install displayName: 'npm i' workingDirectory: $(apploc) condition: eq(variables['npmCache'],False) - script: npm run build-prod displayName: 'Build App' workingDirectory: $(apploc) - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 inputs: PathtoPublish: $(apploc)dist/$(buildfolder) ArtifactName: 'ngapp' publishLocation: 'Container' displayName: 'Publish Artifacts' - stage: Deploy displayName: Deploy to static WA jobs: - job: Deploy steps: - checkout: self submodules: true - task: DownloadPipelineArtifact@2 inputs: buildType: 'current' - task: AzureStaticWebApp@0 inputs: workingDirectory: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)' app_location: 'ngapp' config_file_location: 'ngapp/assets/' skip_app_build: true skip_api_build: true azure_static_web_apps_api_token: '$(token)'