
An ArgoCD ApplicationSet Generator Plugin to Filter PullRequests Based on Label

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Pull Request Filter : ArgoCD ApplicationSet Generator Plugin


ArgoCD Plugin Generator was introduced recently.

This feature let's us to create our own generator and extend the functionality of ArgoCD ApplicationSet. The plugin can be written in any language and it should be able to run in a container.

It would make adding new feature to ArgoCD ApplicationSet much easier. plugins can be used in matrix and merge generators to extend functionality of other generators.

For more information the sample repo can be checked.


PullRequest generator is a plugin that can generate an Application for each PR in a Github repository. It checked for labels in PRs and if the labels in PR matches with the labels in ApplicationSet it will create an Application for that PR.

  - pullRequest:
      # The GitHub organization or user.
        owner: araminian
          # The Github repository
        repo: BRApplication
          # Labels is used to filter the PRs that you want to target. (optional)
          - advertisers
        requeueAfterSeconds: 180

For instance here, We are generating an Application for each PR in BRApplication repository that has advertisers label. The labels is optional and if it is not provided it will generate an Application for each PR in the repository.

Our Problem

In our setup we have an Preview Environment ApplicationSet for each backend service which checks if there is a PR with [ServiceName] as label and if there is a PR with that label it will create an Application for that PR and deploy it to Preview Environment.

Like following example that deploy a preview environment for advertisers service if there is a PR with advertisers label.

  - pullRequest:
      # The GitHub organization or user.
        owner: araminian
          # The Github repository
        repo: BRApplication
          # Labels is used to filter the PRs that you want to target. (optional)
          - advertisers
        requeueAfterSeconds: 180

A PR can have more than one service label and we want to deploy a Preview Environment for each service label in that PR. For instance if a PR has advertisers and campaigns labels we want to deploy a Preview Environment for each of them.

The label assignment is done by Github Actions. If the PR has a change related to a service it will add that service name as a label to the PR.

There are some scenarios that we don't want a preview environment to be deployed for a PR:

  • Saving resources in non-working hours
  • No need for preview environment for a PR that has a change in README.md or documents
  • No preview environment needed


Our solution relies on new plugin generator. The idea is to check the PR labels and if the PR has a label defined like no-preview, it will generate Application for that PR and services but not point to the real K8S manifest instead it will point to a blackhole directory that has no K8S manifest in it.

The reason for using blackhole direcotry is that we can't limit PullRequest generator functionallity, but we can limit the path that is used for finding manifests.

The blackhole directory should be created in gitops repo. Here is an example of blackhole directory.

Let see an exmaple of ApplicationSet that uses PullRequestGenerator and applicationset-pr-filter-plugin plugin:

apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: ApplicationSet
  name: br-pr
  namespace: argocd
  goTemplate: true
    - matrix:
          - pullRequest:
                # The GitHub organization or user.
                owner: araminian
                # The Github repository
                repo: BRApplication
                # Labels is used to filter the PRs that you want to target. (optional)
                  - advertisers
              requeueAfterSeconds: 180
          - plugin:
                name: applicationset-pr-filter-plugin
                  labels: "{{.labels}}"
                  excludeLabel: "no-preview"
                  path: "manifests/app/"
                  blackHole: "manifests/blackhole/"
                  number: "{{.number}}"
      name: "br-{{.branch}}-{{.number}}"
        repoURL: "https://github.com/araminian/BRApplication.git"
        targetRevision: HEAD
        path: "{{.generatedPath}}"
          include: '{*.yml,*.yaml}'
      project: "default"
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
        namespace: "default"
          - CreateNamespace=true

The important part is the plugin generator:

          - plugin:
                name: applicationset-pr-filter-plugin
                  labels: "{{.labels}}"
                  excludeLabel: "no-preview"
                  path: "manifests/app/"
                  blackHole: "manifests/blackhole/"
                  number: "{{.number}}"

The configMapRef is defining the configMap that ApplicationSet Controller will use to find the plugin and how it can call it.

The input.parameters is specifying the input that will be passed to the plugin and the plugin will use it to generate the output.

  • The labels will be provided by Pull Request Generator. It will be a list of labels that are assigned to the PR.

  • The excludeLabel is the label that if it exists in PR we don't need a preview environment and use blackhole.

  • The path is the real path that we have our service manifests in it.

  • The blackHole is the path that we want to use if we don't want a preview environment for a PR. And it's empty directory.

  • The number is the PR number that we want to generate Application for it.

Our logic for plugin:

  1. Check all labels in PR and if excludeLabel exists in PR, set generatedPath to blackHole path.
  2. If excludeLabel doesn't exist in PR, set generatedPath to path path which is the real path that we have our service manifests in it.
  3. Output the generatedPath as output of plugin, which will be available in ApplicationSet template.

So adding no-preview label to PRs will generate Application for that PR but it will point to blackhole directory which has no K8S manifest in it, which means we don't deploy any Kubernetes resources for that PR.

      name: "br-{{.branch}}-{{.number}}"
        repoURL: "https://github.com/araminian/BRApplication.git"
        targetRevision: HEAD
        path: "{{.generatedPath}}"
          include: '{*.yml,*.yaml}'
      project: "default"
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
        namespace: "default"
          - CreateNamespace=true

the {{.generatedPath}} will be replaced with the output of plugin which is the path that we want to use for generating Application. It can be either blackHole or path.

How to use Plugin

  1. Install new version of argoCD. Plugin Generator feature is not available in stable version yet!!
kubectl apply -n argocd -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/argoproj/argo-cd/master/manifests/core-install.yaml
  1. Install plugin and it's cofigurations:

for more information about Plugin Generator check here

kubectl apply -f ./manifests
  1. Create ApplicationSet with plugin generator:
          - plugin:
                name: applicationset-pr-filter-plugin
                  labels: "{{.labels}}"
                  excludeLabel: "no-preview"
                  path: "manifests/app/"
                  blackHole: "manifests/blackhole/"
                  number: "{{.number}}"