
Terraform module to deploy AWS S3 tested with LocalStack

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Terraform S3 Module example

Build Status (Master)


This code is an example of a terraform module. Create an S3 cube with some additional settings like lifecycle, versioning, or encryption.

This code is for a:

Framework or Coding Technology

-----BEGIN TECH-----
TECH-Main: terraform
TECH-Testing: python-unittest, python-unittest-xml-reporting
TECH-Auxiliary: N/A
TECH-CICD: Jenkinsfile
-----END TECH-----

Execution methods

From command line

$ git clone -b 1.0.0 –-depth 1 https://bitbk.roche.com/scm/iac_eng/terraform-module-aws-s3-example.git
$ cd terraform-module-aws-s3-example
$ terraform init
$ terraform validate
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply -auto-approve -parallelism=2

From a terraform implementation file

# Testing S3 Terraform Module

# Apply region configuration
provider "aws" {
  region  = "eu-central-1"

# Calling S3 module
module "s3" {
  source  = "git::https://bitbk.roche.com/scm/iac_eng/terraform-module-aws-s3-example.git?ref=1.0.0"

output "s3_all" {
  description = "Show all"
  value       = module.s3.*


Name Type Required Description
bucket_name string yes Name of the S3 bucket
bucket_acl string yes ACL policy of the S3 bucket. Private by default
bucket_region string yes Region where S3 bucket will located. "eu-central-1" by defaut
bucket_tag_name string yes A tag with a name to the S3 bucket
bucket_tag_env string yes A tag with the environment where S3 bucket will be located
bucket_key_deletion_days number yes A number of days between 7 and 30
block_public_acls bool no Block public acls. True as default
block_public_policy bool no Block public policy. True as default
ignore_public_acls bool no Ignore public acls. True as default
restrict_public_buckets bool no Restrict public buckets. True as default


Name Type Description
bucket_name string Name of the S3 bucket created
bucket_acl string ACL policy of the S3 bucket created
bucket_region string Region where S3 bucket was created


Software/Framework/Code repository Version/Description
terraform >= 0.12.31
terraform-provider-aws >= 3.60"
python-dependencies.txt See python dependencies file for software and version details

Tested Versions

Version Release Date Build number
terraform-provider-aws 03/12/2021 v3.60.0

Supporting Documents, Handbooks, QPs and TOPs

Requirements Link
Design Documents (HLD/LLD/etc.) Link
Solution Architecture N/A
TOPs/QPs/WIs Link

Manual Tests


Deviations and open defects


Author Information

IaC Engineering Team (https://iac-portal.roche.com)


Copyright (c) 2021 F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. All rights reserved.
Roche Global Infrastructure & Solutions.