
This is a simple webhook listener client written in Node.js as example server-side code for the Weebly Developer Platform. More information about the platform can be found at

The server does two main things:

  1. Acts as a server to facilitate an OAuth handshake between Weebly and your app
  2. Provides an endpoint for webhook-enabled apps


The server is intended to be deployed via Heroku, and will look to Heroku-flavored environment variables for specific keys.

For Heroku usage, after cloning this repository (and assuming you have the Heroku CLI installed):

heroku create
heroku config:set WEEBLY_CLIENT_ID=[your_apps_client_id]
heroku config:set WEEBLY_SECRET_KEY=[your_apps_secret_key]
git push heroku master
heroku ps:scale web=1

For non-heroku usage, you can define your keys either within the code, or via other environment variables.


This server has two main endpoints for OAuth; /oauth/phase-one and /oauth/phase-two. These correspond to the two endpoints as defined here: In order to enable OAuth on your app, you will need to define the following two lines in your manifest.json:

	"callback_url": "[ROOT_URL]/oauth/phase-one",
	"oauth_final_destination": "editor"

After completing the OAuth flow, an access token will be dumped to the console. You can access the heroku logs via heroku logs --tail.


By default, this server sets the scope of the OAuth app to solely webhooks, and comes with a POST endpoint at /webhooks/callback. To properly set up webhook events, add the following to your manifest.json:

"webhooks": {
	"callback_url": "[ROOT_URL]/webhooks/callback",
	"events": [


The events key is an array of events; you can pick and choose events from the documentation here: You will also have to include appropriate scopes in a top-level scopes array for your app as well.

On receiving a webhook, the server will write to the messages/messages.txt file; this file is accessible by navigating to the default route on your heroku instance (/), and thus is accessible via heroku open.

Sample Platform Element

We have also included a sample platform-element/manifest.json file in the root directory of this folder. If you wish to do simple tests of the webhook system and the OAuth handshake, follow the following steps.

  1. Create a new app within the Weebly Developer Admin
  2. Edit the manifest.json file to include your app's CLIENT_ID and ROOT_URL (which should be the same as your Heroku deploy's URL)
  3. Zip up the platform-element oflder, and upload it as a new version of the newly created app

If you wish to implement OAuth and webhooks to your existing app, include the bits of JSON described in the two sections above.