
3D graphics engine using OpenGL

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

Emerald Engine

3D graphics engine written in C++ using OpenGL. This project was first created as part of a course in computer graphics at Linköping University. Grass, shadows, bloom and more was added in a later course.

Many parts of this project have been based on tutorials and examples found online, learnopengl.com in particular has been a good source of inspiration. The grass was inspired by this blog post.

Project members:

  • Hans-Filip Elo
  • Lage Ragnarsson
  • Isak Wiberg

A video showcasing the procedural grass: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNea72F_aws

An older video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tt9o01yyQiw


  • Deferred shading
  • Screen Space Ambient Occlusion
  • Shadow maps
  • Procedural grass with LOD
  • Grass animation based on wind and collisions
  • Bloom
  • Scene loader
  • Terrain generation
  • Catmull-Rom splines for object and camera animation
  • Frustum culling for meshes and lights
  • Normal- and specular maps
  • Shader precompiler
  • Day-night cycle
  • Switch between different rendering paths during runtime:
    1. Forward
    2. Deferred
    3. Positions
    4. Normals
    5. Albedo
    6. Specular intensity
    7. SSAO buffer
    8. Shadow map
  • Keyboard and mouse control
  • Bounding sphere generation and visualization
  • Normal vector visualization
  • Light sources attached to models


Debian / Ubuntu

Install dependencies with apt-get:

sudo apt-get install build-essential libgl1-mesa-dev libsdl2-dev libglew-dev libglm-dev libsdl2-image-dev libassimp-dev

Go to the AntTweakBar download page and download the zip file. Extract the folder and move inside its src/ folder. Run make. Move the contents of /include to /usr/local/include and the contents of lib to /usr/local/lib. run

sudo ldconfig

Run make


Install dependencies with brew:

brew install glm assimp sdl2 sdl2_image anttweakbar

Run make