
A simple PHP framework for rapid application development

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A simple PHP framework for rapid application development

Want to run a MySQL query and iterate through it's results?

Well that couldn't be simpler, the following code will create, execute and loop through the following MySQL query outputting both columns fetched to the screen:

$query = new \Bolt\Database\Mysql();
foreach ($query->select(['column_1', 'column_2'])->from('MyTable')->where(['active' => 1'])->limit(50) as $my_table_results) {
    // Results are always returned as an object by default
    echo $my_table_results->column_1 . ', ' . $my_table_results->column_2 . '\n';

    // Should an object exist matching your queries FROM table name, then it will be auto populated with your result set
    // This allows you to create your own functions to act on the result set making your code more reusable, take this
    // hypothetical example, we could create a function that returns the URL that we use to access this record's web page
    echo $my_table_results->getUrl();

Generated MySQL query

SELECT `YourTableName`.`column_1`,
FROM `YourTableName`
WHERE `YourTableName`.`active` = 1