[link to Horiseon!] https://arand013.github.io/Horiseon/
- GIVEN a webpage meets accessibility standards
- WHEN I view the source code
- THEN I find semantic HTML elements
- WHEN I view the structure of the HTML elements
- THEN I find that the elements follow a logical structure independent of styling and positioning
- WHEN I view the image elements
- THEN I find accessible alt attributes
- WHEN I view the heading attributes
- THEN they fall in sequential order
- WHEN I view the title element
- THEN I find a concise, descriptive title
In this html structure minors adjsuments were made However, bulk of adjustments in CSS code were fixed or inserted or deleted. Reference commits on git hub.
- fixed accessibility in html
- headers matched logical stucture
- alt attributes
- id= to body
- -CSS removed and added reppetitive code