Checkout Deployed Link:
A Book Search Engine built with GraphQL API and runs on an Apollo Server. Using the MERN stack, with a React front end, MongoDB database, and Node.js/Express.js server and API
- First, git clone repo
- Second, 'npm install' to get all packages necessary.
- Third, run 'npm run start' to test client and server folder concurrently.
- Then, connect MongoDB database and deploy a heroku app using 'heroku create < name > '
- After, In the heroku website go to your app setting and connect mongo database with "config var" in setting of heroku web-page.
- Finally,( 'git add . ' ), ( 'git commit -m_____ ' ) and ( 'git push heroku main' )
MERN Stack: MongoDB, Express,js, React, Node.js, as well as Javascript, Heroku, NPM
Here lays the contribution information
This project is covered under the MIT License.
For questions about this project, please see
My GitHub at: arand013
Reach out by email at