
AST matcher for Pharo AST

Primary LanguageSmalltalk

AST Matcher

AST matcher for Pharo AST


Metacello new
   baseline: 'ASTMatcher';
   repository: 'github://aranega/ast-matcher:main';

Usage (will evolve, change)

"will try to match if a node is a return node with the expression x + x - x"
m := [ ^ #'@a' + #'@a' - #'@a' ] matcher at: 1. 
m match: node.  "node is an AST node"

"will try to match a return with the following form ^ (a) + (a) (operator) (mavar) "
m := ReturnMatcher with: (BinopMatcher op: (NodeMatcher name: #operator) 
                                       left: ([ #'@a' + #'@a' ] matcher at: 1) 
                                       right: (NodeMatcher name: #mavar)).
m := [ ^ #'@a' + #'@a' @*  #'@mavar' ] matcher at: 1. 
m match: node. "applied on an AST node ^ z + z - b"
"will fully match and return { #a -> VariableNode(z). #operator -> #+. #mavar -> VariableNode(b) }"

m match: node. "applied on an AST node ^ z + a - b"
"will not fully match but patially match { #a -> VariableNode(z). #operator -> #+ }"

m match: node. "applied on an AST node ^ z + a - b"
"will not fully match but patially match { #a -> VariableNode(z). #operator -> #+ }"

