- 1
Feature: method to get server status information
#811 opened by matcho - 3
Basic Authentication Not Working as Expected - Can't Even Get Version Number
#813 opened by joshglenn - 15
- 2
- 3
- 0
Separate Typescript definitions of a Collection's Documents, vs the object passed to the save function
#807 opened by carsonbird - 1
- 2
Rollup Error: Could not resolve "./analyzer" from "./analyzer?commonjs-external"
#806 opened by carsonbird - 4
- 0
Link to documentation is down
#809 opened by kohloth - 6
how can i use arangojs on web worker?
#760 opened by YankeeTube - 5
Deno support
#766 opened by lkwr - 2
Nesting of AQL literal does not work
#808 opened by robross0606 - 1
Replace XHR with Fetch
#788 opened by pluma4345 - 1
Getting error "expecting POST /_api/cursor"
#803 opened by DougGarno55 - 2
- 2
Are there any code examples demonstrating how to include AQL queries in a stream transaction?
#799 opened by ir0nCr055 - 2
outEdges and inEdges not working
#802 opened by robross0606 - 3
Jest detecting open handles
#801 opened by robross0606 - 3
Infinite loop in connection.js:177
#795 opened by westtrade - 3
db.exists() no longer a function?
#793 opened by maininformer - 2
collection.document failing with options
#794 opened by maininformer - 3
Type issue after updating to v8.4.0
#797 opened by hasithaweerasinghe - 1
connect ECONNREFUSED error
#796 opened by lidaof - 1
db.listUsers not rerturning an array of ArangoUser
#782 opened by fspegni - 3
- 2
- 3
Implement JWT refresh endpoint
#784 opened by truedat101 - 0
db.updateUser and db.replaceUser using wrong urls
#783 opened by fspegni - 2
Invalid token while loading arangojs module in nodejs - collection.js, cursor.js, and graph.js - syntax error
#785 opened by ddesai11 - 1
aql query doesnt get exicuted
#781 opened by MurkyTheMurloc - 1
Not working in Angular 15
#780 opened by LonnieBowling - 2
basePath not set in v8.0.0
#777 opened by jgoodall - 2
retryOnConflict setting doesn't work
#774 opened by JakubC-projects - 5
triggerUncaughtException on document not found
#773 opened by amitabak-MA - 1
Documentation for indexes type is not updated?
#771 opened by samuelabc - 2
- 2
Checking validity of connection to database
#755 opened by gitgkk - 1
How to debug aql-template queries?
#768 opened by tonn - 0
Generic Type on Raw Query response
#764 opened by vitoladev - 1
Add retryOnConflict option to db.query
#763 opened by pluma - 2
docs: built in functions usage example
#761 opened by vitoladev - 2
maybe missing `isArangoError` check in catch?
#757 opened by meadowsys - 1
[3.9] Unicode normalization
#751 opened by pluma - 0
`inBackground` missing in `ArangoSearchViewLink`
#759 opened by Yogu - 3
Collection and graph check: API request
#753 opened by gitgkk - 1
Connection Error: error in store
#758 opened by cjarv - 6
- 8
7.6.0 Type Annotation for DocumentCollection
#750 opened by denny99 - 3
Use of VelocityPack
#744 opened by robross0606