- 2
using springboot 3.2.4 and arango-spring-data 4.1.0 causes my application failed to get started, there is bean creation issue with "arangoTemplate"
#27 opened by sushmalpu - 2
- 1
springboot 3.1.2 and arango-spring-data 3.10.0 but my application failed to get started, there is bean creation issue with "arangoTemplate"
#24 opened by sushmalpu - 0
No Bean method proxies with AutoConfiguration
#22 opened by aburmeis - 2
Support Spring Boot 3
#20 opened by aburmeis - 2
arangodb-spring-boot-starter upgrade issue
#19 opened by lukaszkowalik - 1
Support spring boot 3
#18 opened by ohadgranica - 2
SpringBoot 3 support
#17 opened by FlorentMouysset - 2
Support @EntiryScan
#16 opened by varkula - 0
Support @Entity
#15 opened by varkula - 1
bump support to arangodb-spring-data 3.6.0
#14 opened by bwgjoseph - 1
- 3
- 2
Allow use of ArangoDB auto-configuration and health-indicator without requiring spring-data
#10 opened by oliverlockwood - 2
Unable to use arango autoconfiguration together with jpa autoconfiguration in the same project.
#8 opened by kalverk - 4
More databases at the same time?
#13 opened by tomasj - 1
- 1
springboot2.2.2 logger error
#6 opened by huangmiao - 2
- 2