
Application components for STMicro STM32 MCUs

Primary LanguageC

Application components for STMicro STM32 MCUs

Toolchain: Migrating from TrueSTUDIO+CubeMX to STM32CubeIDE

Common libraries

Application components

Dynamic NFC tags

printf issue

I managed to support printf on USART2.

Physical configuration:

            X 5V            |
GND     ----- GND  FTDI     |
PA3(RX) ----- TX  USB-UART  ===== USB ======> PC
PA2(TX) ----- RX  converter |

Include the following snippet in main.c to support printf:

int _write(int file, char *pbuf, int len)
  HAL_UART_Transmit(&huart2, (uint8_t *)pbuf, len, 1000);
  return len;

PWM test

PWM output (100Hz, 50% duty) to PA8:




STM32L476 Nucleo-64

STM32F4 Discovery board