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Sydney is experiencing an increasing number of days above 35 degrees each year. These high temperatures contribute to the growing issue of Urban Heat. Temperatures in some areas of Sydney are currently rising to over 9 degrees above baseline.
The Greater Sydney Commission to building the Green Network to tackle the issue of urban heat. This involves increasing the amount of shade along popular routes between commercial and transportation hubs by planting more trees. The tree canopy works to not only keep citizens cool, but to combat Urban Heat.
We believe citizens will better benefit from the Green Network if they are educated on the issue of Urban Heat and, more importantly, how to avoid it in their day to day life.
Green Routes' vision is to increase citizens' engagement with their environment.
Along with preparing citizens for urban heat, we believe that we can also tackle congestion, reduce obesity in young Australians, and improve the overall well-being of all citizens.
With more and more Australians walking along shaded pathways road congestion will be reduced and the overall fitness of our population will be improved. Not to mention the improved well-being outcomes from exercise and being in nature.
To begin, just open the app and select your journey. The app will automatically create a route to avoid urban hotspots by favouring paths with the most tree canopy coverage. Before you start your journey, the app will show you how much carbon you are saving by walking over using a car. And it will show you how many calories you will use. As you walk along your journey you will be able to see what animals have been spotted recently.
We use multiple datasets from the Department of Planning & Environment, the Department of Transport, and the CSIRO to provide citizens with a simple and informative app to explore Sydney. Citizens will be able to view which areas of Sydney experience the highest amount of Urban Heat. And which areas have the most tree canopy. We also display cycleways and animals that have been recently spotted in the Greater Sydney region.
We use the Urban Heat and Tree Canopy data in our algorithm to plan an efficient route for citizens that reduce their exposure to the heat but still gets them to where they need to be.
Green Routes will be used by citizens who wish to walk to places more often than drive. Families looking for activities to complete at the weekend ie animal spotting. And tourists visiting Sydney and wanting to explore the less congested areas of the city.
With citizens given routes which are less travelled, the pedestrian congestion in popular areas will be lower which will contribute to less wear and tear on footpaths and lower Urban Heat in those areas.
The State Government will also have the opportunity to learn more about the biodiversity of the region thanks to citizen reporting. And by anonymously recording citizens routes, will be able to prioritise which parts of the Green Network should be tackled first.
We have two further horizons for Green Routes planned after the current horizon one.
In the second horizon, citizens will be able to share their favourite routes with family & friends. Leave comments on their favourite spots along the way. And allow citizens to report which animals they have seen along their walk.
In the third horizon, citizens will be able to invite people to go on walks or jogs with them. And add photographs to places and animals they saw along the way.
With Green Routes in everyone's pocket Sydney will become a collaborative, well-connected city of great places for the people.
# install dependencies
$ npm run install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ npm run dev
# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start
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