
Advanced table generate module for perl6

Primary LanguageRakuMIT LicenseMIT


Advanced table generate module for raku lang

Build Status

Windows Build Status


Terminal::Table provides a simple and also a advance way generate table output in terminals. It support multi line table cell. You can create your own style for your table, and you can colour your table content. Also the module has common style pre-defined.




High Level Interface

The simple way to use Terminal::Table is use API below:

These subs want a two-dimension array of string. It uses pre-defined style. Default is Style::Default::ASCII, also you can their low case name such as 'ascii'.

  • print-table(@data, @max-widths = [], :$style=Style::Default::ASCII)

    Print table to stdout.

  • array-to-table(@data, @max-widths = [], :$style=Style::Default::ASCII)

    Return an array contain table data;

  • create-generator(@data, :$style=Style::Default::ASCII);

    Return an generator base on the @data.

Pre-defined Style

enum Style::Default  is export <<
	:OTHER('other') # other is use for self-defined-style


High Level Interface

use Terminal::Table;

my @data = [
    [ "Language", "Example" ],
    [ "Chinese",  "你吃饭了吗?\n你好!\n你从哪里来?" ],
    [ "English",  "Nice to meet you!\nWhere are you from?" ],
    [ "Janpanese","ありがとうございます。\nいただきます!"],
    [ "Korean",   "안녕하세요!"],


It will output:

output for high-level-api

Low Level Interface

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use v6;
use Terminal::Table::Generator;
use Terminal::Table::Style;

my $g = Generator.new(
    style => Style.new(
        corner-style => Style::Corner.double(),
        line-style => Style::Line.double(),
        content-style => Style::Content.space(),

$g.add-cell('Nice to meet you!
Are you ok?
Where are you from ?');
$g.add-cell('American、England、Australian .etc');

It will output:

output for low-level-api

Generator join and colour

Terminal::Table use Terminal::ANSIColor for colour process.

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use Terminal::Table::Style;
use Terminal::Table::Generator;

my $gl = Generator.new(
    style => Style.new(
        corner-style => Style::Corner.double(),
        line-style   => Style::Line.double(),
        content-style=> Style::Content.space(),

for 1 .. 9 -> \x {
    for 1 .. x -> \y {
        $gl.add-cell("{y} x {x} = {x * y}");

my $gr = Generator.new(
    style => Style.new(
        corner-style => Style::Corner.single(),
        line-style   => Style::Line.dot(),
        content-style=> Style::Content.space(),

my @data;

for reverse 1 .. 9 -> \x {
    @data.push([ "{.Int} x {x} = {x * .Int}" for 1 .. x ]);

$gl.join($gr, :replace-style);

my $g = $gl.generator().generate();

$g.colour(0, 0, Color::String.new(color => <blue bold> ));
$g.colour(8, $_, Color::String.new(color => <red bold> )) for ^9;
$g.colour(9, $_, Color::String.new(color => <green bold> )) for ^9;

It will output:

output for join-and-colour

Irregular shape

#!/usr/bin/env raku

use v6;
use Terminal::Table;

constant SIZE = 22;

my $g = create-generator([
    'C' xx SIZE,
    'C' xx SIZE,
    'C' xx SIZE,
    'C' xx SIZE,
    'C' xx SIZE,
    'C' xx SIZE,
    'C' xx SIZE,


my &hide = -> $x, $y {
    my ($r, $c) = ($g.row-count() * 2, $g.col-count($x) * 2);
    my ($rx, $ry) = ($x * 2, $y * 2);

    my $top = $rx == 0 || $g.is-hidden($rx - 1, $ry + 1);
    my $top-left = ($rx == 0 || $ry == 0) || $g.is-hidden($rx - 1, $ry - 1);
    my $top-right = ($rx == 0 || $ry + 2 == $c) || $g.is-hidden($rx - 1, $ry + 3);
    my $bottom = ($rx + 2 == $r) || $g.is-hidden($rx + 3, $ry + 1);
    my $bottom-left = ($rx + 2 == $r || $ry == 0) || $g.is-hidden($rx + 3, $ry - 1);
    my $bottom-right = ($rx + 2 == $r || $ry + 2 == $c) || $g.is-hidden($rx + 3, $ry + 3);
    my $left = $ry == 0 || $g.is-hidden($rx + 1, $ry - 1);
    my $right = ($ry + 2 == $c) || $g.is-hidden($rx + 1, $ry + 3);

    if $top && $top-left && $left {
        $g.hide($rx, $ry, :replace-with-space);
    if $top {
        $g.hide($rx, $ry + 1, :replace-with-space);
    if $top && $top-right && $right {
        $g.hide($rx, $ry + 2, :replace-with-space);
    if $left {
        $g.hide($rx + 1, $ry, :replace-with-space);
    if $right {
        $g.hide($rx + 1, $ry + 2, :replace-with-space);
    if $left && $bottom-left && $bottom {
        $g.hide($rx + 2, $ry, :replace-with-space);
    if $bottom {
        $g.hide($rx + 2, $ry + 1, :replace-with-space);
    if $right && $bottom-right && $bottom {
        $g.hide($rx + 2, $ry + 2, :replace-with-space);
    $g.hide($rx + 1, $ry + 1, :replace-with-space);

&hide(1, 13 + $_) for ^8;
&hide($_, 13) for 2 .. 5;
&hide($_, 14) for 2 .. 5;
&hide(5, 13 + $_) for ^8;
&hide($_, 20) for 3 .. 4;
&hide($_, 19) for 3 .. 4;
&hide(3, 15 + $_) for ^5;

&hide(1, 3 + $_) for ^8;
&hide($_, 3) for 2 .. 5;
&hide($_, 4) for 2 .. 5;
&hide($_, 10) for 2 .. 3;
&hide($_, 9) for 2 .. 3;
&hide(3, 4 + $_) for ^6;
&hide(5, 2 + $_) for ^4;


It will output:

output for irregular shape


For more usage, check out sample or POD document.


From source

git clone https://github.com/araraloren/raku-terminal-table

cd raku-terminal-table && git checkout v0.0.1 && zef install .

From zef

zef update && zef install Terminal::Table


The MIT License (MIT).


Araraloren. Email: blackcatoverwall@gmail.com

