
LLM-based simultaneous translation

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🦙TransLLaMa: LLM-based simultaneous translation

Paper: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2402.04636.pdf



Decoder-only large language models (LLMs) have recently demonstrated impressive capabilities in text generation and reasoning. Nonetheless, they have limited applications in simultaneous machine translation (SiMT), currently dominated by encoder-decoder transformers. This study demonstrates that, after fine-tuning on a small dataset comprising causally aligned source and target sentence pairs, a pre-trained open-source LLM can control input segmentation directly by generating a special "wait" token. This obviates the need for a separate policy and enables the LLM to perform EnglishGerman and English-Russian SiMT tasks with BLEU scores that are comparable to those of specific state-of-the-art baselines. We also evaluated closed-source models such as GPT-4, which displayed encouraging results in performing the SiMT task without prior training (zero-shot), indicating a promising avenue for enhancing future SiMT systems.


We tested this code with CUDA 12.1 and python 3.10. If you have problems, please open an issue.

  1. Rename .env.example to .env and set the enviroment variables.
  1. Install essential dependencies (preferably into a clean environment):
conda create -n transllama python=3.10
conda activate transllama
cd scripts
sh install_requirements.sh

The full list of dependencies is in requirements.txt.


Fine-tuning is done on enimai/MuST-C-de and enimai/MuST-C-de. Evaluation is on the custom TED-TST-2023 which is in raw_datasets/new_ted and raw_datasets/new_ted_ru

Optional: Prepare you own fine-tuning dataset

The prepare_ende_mustc_2.py script takes raw sentences from enimai/MuST-C-de, causally aligns them and prepares for batching. If you want to create your own fine-tuning dataset, the easiest way would be to collect your sentence pairs and convert them to a huggingface format.

for en-de

cd scripts
python prepare_ende_mustc_2.py

For faster alignment you can try

cd scripts
sh make_train_de_chunkwise.sh

for en-ru

cd scripts
python prepare_enru_mustc_2.py

Supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on your dataset

You can fine-tune your own 🤗model on the provided (or your own) datasets.

python \
    SFT_llama.py \
    --config_id <CONFIG_ID> \
    --device_id <DEVICE_ID> \
    --mask_prompt # optionally zero out loss on prompt tokens

You can you any of the configs provided in configs.



(en-ru) dry run on 3 sentences (🦙13B)

python se.py \
    --source SOURCES/source_debug.txt \
    --target OFFLINE_TARGETS/target_debug.txt \
    --agent t2tt_agent.py \
    --config_id 800357 \
    --device_id 0

For full evaluation on TED-TST-2023, set

--source SOURCES/src_ted_new_tst_100.ru.txt
--target OFFLINE_TARGETS/tgt_ted_new_tst_100.ru

(en-de) dry run on 3 sentences (🦙13B)

python se.py \
    --source SOURCES/ende_source_1000_valid_debug.txt \
    --target OFFLINE_TARGETS/ende_target_1000_valid_debug.txt \
    --agent t2tt_agent.py \
    --config_id 810357 \
    --device_id 0

For full evaluation on TED-TST-2023, set

--source SOURCES/src_ted_new_tst_100.de.txt
--target OFFLINE_TARGETS/tgt_ted_new_tst_100.de

The evaluation metrics (BLEU, LAAL, AL, AP, DAL, ATD, and BLEURT) will be appended to evaluation/METRICS.json. The translation will be saved in evaluation/ONLINE_TARGETS/online_target_<CONFIG_ID>.txt


(en-ru) dry run on 5 sentences (🦙13B)

cd evaluation
python se.py \
    --source SOURCES/src_ted_new_tst_100_5sent.ru \
    --target OFFLINE_TARGETS/tgt_ted_new_tst_100_5sent.ru \
    --agent s2tt_agent.py \
    --config_id 800357 \
    --wait_k 3 \
    --device_id 0 \
    --source-segment-size 200 \
    --asr_model whisper-large-v2 \
    --min_lag 1

For full evaluation on TED-TST-2023, set

--source SOURCES/src_ted_new_tst_100.ru
--target OFFLINE_TARGETS/tgt_ted_new_tst_100.ru

Batch evaluation

Assuming you want to run the evals on device 0:

cd evaluation
batch_eval_de_s2t_newted_100.sh 0 # for en-de
batch_eval_ru_s2t_newted_100.sh 0 # for en-ru

(en-de) dry run on 5 sentences (🦙13B)

python se.py \
    --source SOURCES/src_ted_new_tst_100_5sent.de \
    --target OFFLINE_TARGETS/tgt_ted_new_tst_100_5sent.de \
    --agent s2tt_agent.py \
    --config_id 810357 \
    --wait_k 3 \
    --device_id 0 \
    --source-segment-size 200 \
    --asr_model whisper-large-v2 \
    --min_lag 1

Evaluation of OpenAI zero-shot on TED-TST-2023 (en-de) with resampling

cd evaluation
sh eval_openai_s2tt_w_resamp_DE.sh

Evaluation of OpenAI zero-shot on TED-TST-2023 (en-ru) with resampling

cd evaluation
sh eval_openai_s2tt_w_resamp_RU.sh