
JIRAFA - A JIRA Ticket Utility Tool

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

JIRA Ticket Utility Tool


The JIRA Ticket Utility Tool is a command-line interface (CLI) that allows you to interact with JIRA from your terminal. You can create, edit, retrieve, list, and run queries on JIRA tickets using this tool. It provides various output formats (table, JSON, CSV) and supports complex JQL queries.


  • Create JIRA tickets with descriptions, priority, and optional linkage to epics.
  • Edit JIRA tickets by updating specific fields.
  • List JIRA tickets from a project with custom filters and flexible output formats.
  • Run custom JQL queries to retrieve tickets that match specific criteria.
  • Add comments to JIRA tickets.
  • List all available JIRA projects.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/araray/jirafa
  2. Navigate into the project directory:

    cd jirafa
  3. Install the dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt


The tool requires JIRA credentials to interact with the JIRA API. You can provide this information through:

  1. Environment variables:

    • JIRA_URL
  2. TOML configuration file (jirafa.toml):

    Example jirafa.toml file:

    JIRA_URL = "https://your-domain.atlassian.net"
    JIRA_USERNAME = "your-email@example.com"
    JIRA_API_TOKEN = "your-api-token"


1. List tickets in a project

python jirafa.py list <project_key> --fields summary,status,key --filter status:Done --output table

2. Create a new ticket

python jirafa.py create <module_name> <description_file> --priority High --epic_key EPIC-123 --project_key PROJECT-123

3. Edit a ticket field

python jirafa.py edit <issue_key> <field_name> <new_value>

4. Run a JQL query

python jirafa.py jql "project = PROJECT123 AND status = 'To Do'" --fields summary,status,assignee --output json

5. Add a comment to a ticket

python jirafa.py comment <issue_key> "This is a comment."

6. List all JIRA projects

python jirafa.py projects

Command Overview

  • list: List tickets in a JIRA project.
  • create: Create a new JIRA ticket.
  • edit: Edit a field in an existing JIRA ticket.
  • retrieve: Retrieve specific fields from a JIRA ticket.
  • comment: Add a comment to a JIRA ticket.
  • projects: List all available JIRA projects.
  • jql: Run a custom JQL query and list matching tickets.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


  • Ensure that your JIRA credentials (URL, username, and API token) are correctly set in the environment or in the jirafa.toml file.
  • If you encounter issues with API access, verify that your JIRA account has the correct permissions to interact with the JIRA API.

Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request if you have ideas for improvements or new features.