- 1
Xcode 6 Issues
#12 opened by DerekStutsman - 0
#18 opened by Zegalryang - 3
Does not work on device build for iOS 7
#17 opened by jjxtra - 0
get progress of uncompressing files
#16 opened by asifrajwana - 1
how to detect a .rar file need password?
#15 opened by lexitack - 2
Don't use exceptions for error handling
#9 opened by augard - 2
unrar4ios cannot be used in 64bit iPhone
#11 opened by wuwenju - 1
Error when build library.
#13 opened by DimonDeveloper - 2
Password Protected Rar Files
#7 opened by mathewsbsce - 0
- 0
No support Cirillic
#5 opened by ILYA2606 - 0
Leak problem
#4 opened by pedrolob - 2
Split Archives
#3 opened by sdasoa - 2
- 0
Create library wrapper as Objective-C class
#1 opened by ararog