
A React Native data table written purely in JSX with React and RealmJS DB (until refactor).


npm install --save react-native-data-table


react-native-data-table provides a number of components for constructing a table through composition.

data table example


This component acts as a wrapper around the React Native ListView component. All the other components in this library should be used in the renderRow and renderHeader.

Prop Name Type Description
ListView Props - Will pass through any extra props to ListView
listViewStyle style Will override styling of the ListView within the DataTable
style style Style of the DataTable container (View)
dataSource object (required) See ListView
renderRow func (required) See RenderRow. Function can return anything, but the Cell components in this library are to make it easy for constructing a table
renderHeader func Provide this function with appropriate return to make a table header
refCallback func CallBack for utilising reference of the inner TextInput


Renders a Cell that supports having a string as children, or any component.

<Cell>Hello 1234</Cell>

Prop Name Type Description
textStyle style Will override styling of the Text label within the button
style style Will override styling of the TouchableHighlight enclosing the button
width number Gives width relative to other cells in the same container (via flexbox)
children any Content of the cell; string, number or any component
numberOfLines number Defines the number of lines in the cell that text should use


Renders a CheckableCell that renders either renderIsChecked or renderIsNotChecked when isChecked is true or false respectively. Whole cell returned is pressable. Callback should affect state of Parent in some way that keeps the state of parent in sync with state of the CheckableCell. Kept separate to maintain responsiveness of the cell.

Prop Name Type Description
isChecked boolean Used to set the initial state of the cell when the component mounts or rerenders (e.g. table sort order change)
isDisabled boolean Will cause renderDisabled to be shown in the cell
style style Style of the CheckableCell (View props)
width number Gives width relative to other cells in the same container (via flexbox)
onPress func CallBack Function for handling user pressing CheckableCell
renderIsChecked object Object is rendered as child in CheckableCell if checked
renderIsNotChecked object Object is rendered as child in CheckableCell if not checked
renderDisabled object Object is rendered as child in CheckableCell if isDisabled is true


Renders a cell with an editable text input. Has own state for managing TextInput content and has onEndEditing callback for utilising user input.

Prop Name Type Description
TextInput Props - Will pass through any extra props to TextInput
textStyle style Will override styling of the TextInput within the button
style style Style of the EditableCell (View props)
width number Gives width relative to other cells in the same container (via flexbox)
onEndEditing func Will be called with 2 params: target and the newValue on end of editing. This function should run code to persist the change to local storage
target object Data object of the row/record being edited
value string or number Provides initial value. Will change what cell shows if prop changes
refCallback func CallBack for utilising reference of the inner TextInput


A container for header cells, should be the outermost component returned in the renderHeader function given to the DataTable renderHeader prop.


Renders a headerCell that supports being a plain View with Text or being a TouchableOpacity (with callback). In the latter case sort arrows will be rendered and controlled with isSelected and isAscending props. This could also be thought of as "column headers", as that is what this component sets out to ultimately achieve.

Prop Name Type Description
TouchableOpacity Props - Will pass through any extra props to TouchableOpacity
textStyle style Will override styling of the Text label within the HeaderCell
style style Will override styling of the TouchableHighlight enclosing the button
width number Gives width relative to other cells in the same container (via flexbox)
onPress func CallBack Function for handling user pressing headerCell. Should change some parent state that affects the following 2 props
isSelected Boolean When false up+down sort arrows renderHeader, otherwise as below
isAscending Boolean Sort arrow up if true, down if false.


A container to be used in renderRow function in DataTable renderRow Prop. Has internal state that knows whether the row is expanded or not. Toggled on press. Will only render an expansion if provided.

renderRow(record) {
Prop Name Type Description
style style Will override styling of the TouchableHighlight enclosing the button
children any Content of the Row; construct with Cell, EditableCell, etc.
onPress func CallBack for doing anything on the press of the row. Also toggles expansion
isExpanded boolean If true, the expansion defined renderExpansion will be shown below this row, moving other rows down.
renderExpansion func A function that should return an Expansion component with custom content


Literally just a wrapper for View. To be used in the Row prop 'renderExpansion'. Made basically just for consistent semantics.

Prop Name Type Description
View Props - Will pass through any extra props to View


Like expansion, this is essentially just a wrapper around TouchableOpacity with a default flex value of 1. Which I believe became redundant at some point in RN development.