
Kubernetes on AWS EKS

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

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Welcome to Kubernetes on EKS


This repository consists of the following notebooks:

  1. Setup
  2. Create EKS Cluster
  3. Deploy Official Kubernetes Dashboard
  4. Deploy Example MicroServices
  5. Helmv3
  6. Health Checks
  7. Implement AutoScaling with HPA and CA
  8. Intro To RBAC
  9. Using IAM Groups to Manage Kubernetes Cluster Access
  10. IAM Roles for Service Accounts
  11. Securing Your Cluster With Network Policies
  12. Exposing a Service
  13. Assigning Pods to Nodes
  14. Using Spot Instances with EKS
  15. Advanced VPC Networking with EKS
  16. Stateful Containers using StatefulSets
  17. Deploying Microservices to EKS Fargate
  18. Deploying Microservices with AWS EFS
  19. Encrypting Kubernetes Secrets
  20. Deploying Jenkins
  21. CI/CD with CodePipeline
  22. Final Cleanup

4 Steps to Begin

  1. Log into your AWS Account


  2. Launch SageMaker using the following template: https://eu-west-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=eu-west-1#/stacks/quickcreate?templateURL=https://adnanstudyimages.s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/Sagemaker-eks.yml&stackName=EKS-Notebook¶m_SageMakerNotebookGitRepository=https://github.com/arashid290/kubernetes_eks_notebook.git


  3. This template will launch SageMaker with the above downloaded and tools installed. Click on 'JupyterLab'


  4. Set dark theme in Jupyter


  5. Start Learning!


  1. SageMaker is free for 2 months
  2. https://aws.amazon.com/sagemaker/pricing/


  1. SageMaker will auto shutdown if idle for more than 1 hour
  2. EKS Cluster costs 0.10$ per hour
  3. We spin up 3 t3.medium instances which cost $0.0418 each
  4. Average daily cost if running all day will be approximately $2.4 (Cluster) + $3.0096 (3 instances) = $5.4
  5. It is possible to reduce the cost by reducing the number of instances and also the size of the instance within the playbooks
  6. Alternatively you can destroy the cluster after each lab, creating and destroying the cluster is a single command.

About Me

  1. Adnan Study Website: https://adnan.study


  2. LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adnanrashid1/
  3. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adnans_techie_studies/
  4. Reference: https://eksworkshop.com/