Pusher HTTP Rust Library
The Rust library for interacting with the Pusher HTTP API.
This package lets you trigger events to your client and query the state of your Pusher channels. When used with a server, you can validate Pusher webhooks and authenticate private- or presence-channels.
In order to use this library, you need to have a free account on http://pusher.com. After registering, you will need the application credentials for your app.
This README is meant to give an overview of the library, but more in-depth documentation can be found on our GitHub page.
###Table of Contents
Add to your Cargo.toml
Getting Started
extern crate pusher; // imports the `pusher` module
use pusher::Pusher; // brings the Pusher struct into scope
fn main(){
// initializes a Pusher object with your app credentials
let mut pusher = Pusher::new("APP_ID", "KEY", "SECRET").finalize();
// triggers an event called "my_event" on a channel called "test_channel", with the payload "hello world!"
pusher.trigger("test_channel", "my_event", "hello world!");
There easiest way to configure the library is by creating a new Pusher
let pusher = Pusher::new("id", "key", "secret").finalize();
returns a PusherBuilder
, on which to chain configuration methods, before calling finalize()
Additional options
Instantiation From URL
Instantiation From Environment Variable
This is particularly relevant if you are using Pusher as a Heroku add-on, which stores credentials in a "PUSHER_URL"
environment variable.
To ensure requests occur over HTTPS, call secure()
before finalize()
let pusher = Pusher::new("id", "key", "secret").secure().finalize();
Changing Host
Calling host()
before finalize()
will make sure requests are sent to your specified host.
let pusher = Pusher::new("id", "key", "secret").host("foo.bar.com").finalize();
By default, this is "api.pusherapp.com"
Triggering events
It is possible to trigger an event on one or more channels. Channel names can contain only characters which are alphanumeric, _
or `-`` and have to be at most 200 characters long. Event name can be at most 200 characters long too.
Single channel
#####fn trigger<Payload: Encodable>(&mut self, channel: &str, event: &str, payload: Payload)
Argument | Description |
channel &str |
The name of the channel you wish to trigger on. |
event &str |
The name of the event you wish to trigger |
data Payload : Encodable |
The payload you wish to send. Must be marshallable into JSON. |
Return Value | Description |
result Result<TriggeredEvents, String> |
If the trigger was successful and you are connected to certain clusters, an object containing the event_ids field will be returned as part of a Result . An Err value will be returned if any errors were encountered. |
let mut hash_map = HashMap::new();
hash_map.insert("message", "hello world");
pusher.trigger("test_channel", "my_event", &hash_map);
Multiple channels
#####fn trigger_multi<Payload: Encodable>(&mut self, channels: &Vec<&str>, event: &str, payload: Payload)
Argument | Description |
channels &Vec<&str> |
A vector of channel names you wish to send an event on. The maximum length is 10. |
event &str |
As above. |
data Payload : Encodable |
As above. |
Return Value | Description |
result Result<TriggeredEvents, String> |
As above. |
let channels = vec!["test_channel", "test_channel2"];
pusher.trigger_multi(&channels, "my_event", "hello");
Excluding event recipients
and trigger_multi_exclusive
follow the patterns above, except a socket_id
is given as the last parameter.
These methods allow you to exclude a recipient whose connection has that socket_id
from receiving the event. You can read more here.
On one channel:
pusher.trigger_exclusive("test_channel", "my_event", "hello", "123.12");
On multiple channels:
let channels = vec!["test_channel", "test_channel2"];
pusher.trigger_multi_exclusive(&channels, "my_event", "hello", "123.12");
Authenticating Channels
Application security is very important so Pusher provides a mechanism for authenticating a user’s access to a channel at the point of subscription.
This can be used both to restrict access to private channels, and in the case of presence channels notify subscribers of who else is also subscribed via presence events.
This library provides a mechanism for generating an authentication signature to send back to the client and authorize them.
For more information see our docs.
Private channels
fn authenticate_private_channel(&self, body: &String)
Argument | Description |
params &String |
The request body sent by the client |
Return Value | Description |
Result <String, &str> |
The Ok value will be the response to send back to the client, carrying an authentication signature. An Err value will be a string describing any errors generated |
######Example Using Nickel.rs
fn pusher_auth<'a>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'a>) -> MiddlewareResult<'a> {
let mut body = String::new();
req.origin.read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap(); // get the body from the request
let auth = pusher.authenticate_private_channel(&body).unwrap(); // unwrap the result of the method
Authenticating presence channels
Using presence channels is similar to private channels, but in order to identify a user, clients are sent a user_id and, optionally, custom data.
fn authenticate_presence_channel(&self, body: &String, member: &Member)
Argument | Description |
params &String |
The request body sent by the client |
member Option<pusher::Member> |
An optional struct representing what to assign to a channel member, consisting of a user_id and any custom user_info . See below |
Custom Types
pub struct Member<'a> {
pub user_id: &'a str,
pub user_info: Option<HashMap<&'a str, &'a str>>,
fn pusher_auth<'a>(req: &mut Request, res: Response<'a>) -> MiddlewareResult<'a> {
let mut body = String::new();
req.origin.read_to_string(&mut body).unwrap();
let mut member_data = HashMap::new();
member_data.insert("twitter", "jamiepatel");
let member = pusher::Member{user_id: "4", user_info: Some(member_data)};
let auth = pusher.authenticate_presence_channel(&body, &member).unwrap();
Application state
This library allows you to query our API to retrieve information about your application's channels, their individual properties, and, for presence-channels, the users currently subscribed to them.
Get the list of channels in an application
fn channels(&mut self)
Requesting a list of application channels without any query options.
Return Value | Description |
result Result<ChannelList, String> |
The Ok value will be a struct representing the list of channels. See below. An Err value will represent any errors encountered. |
fn channels_with_options(&mut self, params: QueryParameters)
Adding options to your channels
Argument | Description |
params QueryParameters |
A vector of tuples with query options. Where the first value of a tuple is "filter_by_prefix" , the API will filter the returned channels with the second value. To get number of users subscribed to a presence-channel, specify an "info" value in a tuple with a corresponding "user_count" value. |
Return Value | Description |
result Result<ChannelList, String> |
As above. |
Custom Types
pub struct ChannelList {
pub channels: HashMap<String, Channel>,
pub struct Channel {
pub occupied: Option<bool>,
pub user_count: Option<i32>,
pub subscription_count: Option<i32>,
Without options:
//=> Ok(ChannelList { channels: {"presence-chatroom": Channel { occupied: None, user_count: None, subscription_count: None }, "presence-notifications": Channel { occupied: None, user_count: None, subscription_count: None }} })
With options:
let channels_params = vec![("filter_by_prefix", "presence-"), ("info", "user_count")];
//=> Ok(ChannelList { channels: {"presence-chatroom": Channel { occupied: None, user_count: Some(92), subscription_count: None }, "presence-notifications": Channel { occupied: None, user_count: Some(29), subscription_count: None }} })
Get the state of a single channel
fn channel(&mut self, channel_name: &str)
Requesting the state of a single channel without any query options.
Return Value | Description |
result Result<Channel, String> |
The Ok value will be a struct representing a channel. See above. An Err value will represent any errors encountered. |
fn channel_with_options(&mut self, channel_name: &str, params: QueryParameters)
Adding options to your channel
Argument | Description |
channel &str |
The name of the channel |
params QueryParameters |
A vector of tuples with query options. To request information regarding user_count and subscription_count, a tuple must have an "info" value and a value containing a comma-separated list of attributes. An Err will be returned for any invalid API requests. |
Return Value | Description |
result Result<Channel, String> |
As above. |
Without options:
//=> Ok(Channel { occupied: Some(true), user_count: None, subscription_count: None })
With options:
let channel_params = vec![("info", "user_count,subscription_count")];
pusher.channel_with_options("presence-chatroom", channel_params);
//=> Ok(Channel { occupied: Some(true), user_count: Some(96), subscription_count: Some(96) })
Get a list of users in a presence channel
fn channel_users(&mut self, channel_name: &str)
Argument | Description |
name &str |
The channel name |
Return Value | Description |
result Result<ChannelUserList, String> |
The Ok value will be a struct representing a list of the users subscribed to the presence-channel. See below. The Err value will represent any errors encountered. |
Custom Types
pub struct ChannelUserList {
pub users: Vec<ChannelUser>,
pub struct ChannelUser {
pub id: String,
//=> Ok(ChannelUserList { users: [ChannelUser { id: "red" }, ChannelUser { id: "blue" }] })
Webhook validation
On your dashboard, you can set up webhooks to POST a payload to your server after certain events. Such events include channels being occupied or vacated, members being added or removed in presence-channels, or after client-originated events. For more information see https://pusher.com/docs/webhooks.
This library provides a mechanism for checking that these POST requests are indeed from Pusher, by checking the token and authentication signature in the header of the request.
fn webhook(&self, key: &String, signature: &String, body: &str)
Argument | Description |
key &String |
The key supplied in the "X-Pusher-Key" header |
signature &String |
The signature supplied in the "X-Pusher-Signature" header |
body &str |
The body of the request |
Return Value | Description |
result Result<Webhook, &str> |
If the webhook is valid, the Ok value will be a representation of that webhook that includes its timestamp and associated events. If the webhook is invalid, an Err value will be passed. |
Custom Types
pub struct Webhook {
pub time_ms: i64,
pub events: Vec<HashMap<String, String>>,
pusher.webhook("supplied_key", "supplied_signature", "body")
Feature Support
Feature | Supported |
Trigger event on single channel | ✔ |
Trigger event on multiple channels | ✔ |
Excluding recipients from events | ✔ |
Authenticating private channels | ✔ |
Authenticating presence channels | ✔ |
Get the list of channels in an application | ✔ |
Get the state of a single channel | ✔ |
Get a list of users in a presence channel | ✔ |
WebHook validation | ✔ |
Heroku add-on support | ✔ |
Debugging & Logging | ✔ |
Cluster configuration | ✔ |
HTTPS | ✔ |
Timeouts | ✘ |
HTTP Proxy configuration | ✘ |
HTTP KeepAlive | ✘ |
Helper Functionality
These are helpers that have been implemented to to ensure interactions with the HTTP API only occur if they will not be rejected e.g. channel naming conventions.
Helper Functionality | Supported |
Channel name validation | ✔ |
Limit to 10 channels per trigger | ✔ |
Limit event name length to 200 chars | ✔ |
Developing the Library
Feel more than free to fork this repo, improve it in any way you'd prefer, and send us a pull request :)
Running the tests
Simply type:
$ cargo test
This code is free to use under the terms of the MIT license.
To Do
- Review the use of different string types.
- More test coverage