Chirp is a network service discovery protocol. In short, it's a simpler and more reliable alternative to mDNS/Bonjour. For more information about the protocol and libraries for different languages, see the official Chirp homepage.
Install with:
go get
Publishing a service:
// Create and start a publisher
publisher, _ := chirp.NewPublisher("tld.domain.service").Start()
// Stop the publisher when you're done
// Optionally, you can specify a map with arbitrary
// keys and values that will be broadcasted along
// with your service.
payload := map[string]interface{}{
"port": 22,
"display_name": "My Awesome SSH"
"anotherkey": []{"fizz", "buzz"},
"andanotherkey": map[string]{}{
"something": "blah",
"else": "haha"
publisher, _ := chirp.NewPublisher("tld.domain.service").
Listening for services:
// Start the listener. You can pass '*' for the service name
// to listen for all services.
listener, _ := chirp.NewListener("")
// Start a goroutine to handle all the incoming service events
for event := range listener.ServiceEvents {
switch se.EventType {
case chirp.ServicePublished:
// handle a newly found service
case chirp.ServiceUpdated:
// one of the IPs (v4 or v6) was updated on the service
case chirp.ServiceRemoved:
// the service is no longer being published
// Stop the listener when you're done