
=== Arashtad Toggle Plugin ===

Contributors: Arashtad Ltd Donate link: Tags: Toggle, Wordpress Toggle, Wordpress Toggle plugin, Wordpress Toggle widget, Wordpress Toggle add-on, Toggle widget, content, slider, content slider, wp Toggle, content Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI:

Arashtad Toggle Plugin creates unlimited Toggle widgets on WordPress websites.

== Description ==

This product is a fully responsive WordPress widget and displays Toggles in a fancy style. The widget output is very customizable and easy to work with. There are various options on the admin panel to take the appearance and behavior of each widget instance under your control. Some of the options are described below.


  • 5 Preset Styles
  • Custom Style Available
  • Customisable Width and Height
  • Customisable Header and Footer Texts
  • Customisable Margin and Padding
  • Fully Responsive
  • Unlimited Widgets on a Same Page
  • Ongoing Support
  • WordPress 4.x Compatible And Much More...

Arashtad Toggle is created by as a free WordPress plugin. But, though it’s a free product, it’s fully supported by

== Installation ==

To make the product work, simply extract the plugin zip file and upload in on your WordPress folder in the path: [ROOT] > wp-content > plugins.

The other way to install the plugin is logging into the WordPress admin panel and going to the path: WordPress > Plugins > Add New. Then at the top of the page, click the ”Upload Plugin” button. At the last page, browse your computer, select the plugin file and hit the ”Install Now” button. In order to use the plugin, it must be activated first. Follow the steps below to activate and use the plugin:

  • Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  • Click the “Activate” link under the plugin name.
  • Go to Appearance > Widgets.
  • Drag a widget instance from the left side to the widget position area of your theme and drop it there.

Then you can Customisable the widget instance and click the “Save” button to make it work at the relevant page(s).

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Can I have multiple widget instances activated on a single page? =


= Is the widget output responsive? =

Yes, it fully responsive and supports all devices.

= How customisable is it? =

Arashtad Toggle Plugin for WordPress has 5 built-in styles and it’s very easy to add your custom style to it as well.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Backend Area
  2. Default Style
  3. Flat Style
  4. Nude Style
  5. BootStrap Style
  6. Fancy Style

== Changelog ==

= 1.1 =

  • Updating the author and the copyright info.
  • Plugin name changed.

== Upgrade Notice ==

== Arbitrary section ==

Customization: As described this product is very flexible and easy to customize. You can easily change the style of its module output by editing the plugin CSS file at wp-content/plugins/arashtad-toggle/styles/master.css.