A Part-Of-Speech LSTM Tagger trained on Georgetown University Multilayer corpus.
Long Short Term Memory networks can remeber what happened before in a sequence and this memory does not fade out over time. A bi-directional LSTM can also make use of dependencies among words of a sentence from both sides (left and right). A little reading on the latest papers also confirmed my intuition.
See THOUGHTS_LOG.md for the transcription of the ideas and learnings.
The biggest assumption made is that the POS-Tagging is a solved problem. This is can be largely wrong. Depending on the use-case other metrics than per-word accuracy should be employed.
With a per-word tagging accuracy of 97%, there is a probability of 45.6% that a 20-word sentence (the average sentence length in the Brown corpus) contains one or more tagging errors.
Another assumption is that all tags are equally important. For example, while punctutions or most frequent words can be easily tagged, tagging ambiguous words is a harder task but they do not decrease the model performance due to their under-representation. Here again, based on the use-case, the metrics can be changed to consider the class imbalance or the weights of the classes.
A virtual environment for installing the python packages is required. Below
Python virtualenv
is used as an example.
git submodule update --init # to download the GUM dataset
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
The GloVe Word Embeddings are used to enhance the peroformance of the model and can be downloaded and unpacked as following:
wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.6B.zip
unzip -d . glove.6B.zip glove.6B.100d.txt
rm glove.6B.zip
To train the model on the GUM dataset you can use the following command. Please note that the GUM dataset is added as a git submodule to this repository. The training takes ca 10 minutes on the latest MacbookPro. After ca 20 epochs the networks shows symptoms of overfitting.
python train.py \
UD_English-GUM/en_gum-ud-train.conllu \
To evaluate the trained model's performance on unseen data you can use this. With the default hyperparameters a test accuracy of over 97.7% is acheived.
python eval.py UD_English-GUM/en_gum-ud-test.conllu
To see the model's inference you can add tokenized sentences to a text file and execute the following. To split the sentences into word tokens NLTK's pre-trained Punkt Tokenizer is used. The POS-tagged words are printed out to stdout.
python generate.py <test_sentences.txt>
- Use a scheduler to tune hyper-parameters.
- Re-Implement in pure Tensorflow or PyTorch for more maintainablity.
- Add unit tests for the underlying functions and classes.
- Monitor the number/percentage of the
words in the test data.
I was only able to work on this project while either my son was at sleep or was
outside with my partner. A total of 12:30 hours were spent. Please see git log
or THOUGHTS_LOG.md for a more detailed protocol.
Friday 4pm - Email with code challenge was recieved.
Friday 9 - 11:30pm - I read the literature and implemented a prototype.
Saturday 12 am to 2pm - I spent some time on Pytorch Implementation.
Saturday 6pm to 10pm - I added train
, eval
and generate
Sunday 11am to 1pm - I refacored source code
Sunday 9pm to 11pm - I refinded the README and added comments.
Sunday 11pm - Email was sent back