
Part-Of-Speech LSTM Tagger trained on Georgetown University Multilayer corpus

Primary LanguagePython

Chewing Gum

A Part-Of-Speech LSTM Tagger trained on Georgetown University Multilayer corpus.


Long Short Term Memory networks can remeber what happened before in a sequence and this memory does not fade out over time. A bi-directional LSTM can also make use of dependencies among words of a sentence from both sides (left and right). A little reading on the latest papers also confirmed my intuition.

See THOUGHTS_LOG.md for the transcription of the ideas and learnings.


The biggest assumption made is that the POS-Tagging is a solved problem. This is can be largely wrong. Depending on the use-case other metrics than per-word accuracy should be employed.

With a per-word tagging accuracy of 97%, there is a probability of 45.6% that a 20-word sentence (the average sentence length in the Brown corpus) contains one or more tagging errors.

-- Is Part-of-Speech Tagging a Solved Task?

Another assumption is that all tags are equally important. For example, while punctutions or most frequent words can be easily tagged, tagging ambiguous words is a harder task but they do not decrease the model performance due to their under-representation. Here again, based on the use-case, the metrics can be changed to consider the class imbalance or the weights of the classes.


A virtual environment for installing the python packages is required. Below Python virtualenv is used as an example.

git submodule update --init # to download the GUM dataset
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

The GloVe Word Embeddings are used to enhance the peroformance of the model and can be downloaded and unpacked as following:

wget http://nlp.stanford.edu/data/glove.6B.zip
unzip -d . glove.6B.zip glove.6B.100d.txt
rm glove.6B.zip

Train POS Taggeer

To train the model on the GUM dataset you can use the following command. Please note that the GUM dataset is added as a git submodule to this repository. The training takes ca 10 minutes on the latest MacbookPro. After ca 20 epochs the networks shows symptoms of overfitting.

python train.py \
       UD_English-GUM/en_gum-ud-train.conllu \

Evaluate Model Performance on Test Data

To evaluate the trained model's performance on unseen data you can use this. With the default hyperparameters a test accuracy of over 97.7% is acheived.

python eval.py UD_English-GUM/en_gum-ud-test.conllu

Generate POS Tags for Tokenized Sentences.

To see the model's inference you can add tokenized sentences to a text file and execute the following. To split the sentences into word tokens NLTK's pre-trained Punkt Tokenizer is used. The POS-tagged words are printed out to stdout.

python generate.py <test_sentences.txt>

Further Potential Improvements (List of Trade-Offs)

  • Use a scheduler to tune hyper-parameters.
  • Re-Implement in pure Tensorflow or PyTorch for more maintainablity.
  • Add unit tests for the underlying functions and classes.
  • Monitor the number/percentage of the unknown words in the test data.

Time Spent

I was only able to work on this project while either my son was at sleep or was outside with my partner. A total of 12:30 hours were spent. Please see git log or THOUGHTS_LOG.md for a more detailed protocol.

Friday 4pm - Email with code challenge was recieved. Friday 9 - 11:30pm - I read the literature and implemented a prototype. Saturday 12 am to 2pm - I spent some time on Pytorch Implementation. Saturday 6pm to 10pm - I added train, eval and generate scripts. Sunday 11am to 1pm - I refacored source code Sunday 9pm to 11pm - I refinded the README and added comments. Sunday 11pm - Email was sent back