
Vue.js wrapper for perfect scrollbar

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Vue.js minimalistic but powerful wrapper for perfect scrollbar

Are you looking compatible version with Vue3 ? check https://github.com/mercs600/vue3-perfect-scrollbar

Why I Created it ?

Because I ❤️ to use perfect-scrollbar in my projects (🙌 utatti). But also because the current solutions on github are outdated or overcomplicated.

Why would you use it ?

Because you want to load perfect-scrollbar to your Vue project in an easy way. But also because this plugin is updated, tested and build by rollup. So you will not find any unnecessary 💩 code in this repo. I hope 🙏.

If you have any reasonable PR you are welcome 🤘



npm install vue2-perfect-scrollbar


yarn add vue2-perfect-scrollbar

How to use

Global Registration

import PerfectScrollbar from 'vue2-perfect-scrollbar'
import 'vue2-perfect-scrollbar/dist/vue2-perfect-scrollbar.css'


So then you can use this plugin in each component as

    <p> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. </p>

This plugin will generate a container with ".ps" class name, you need to customize the height of the container

/* example */
.ps {
  height: 400px;

Edit Vue Template

Global options

Install method takes additional parameters:

name {String}

Name of your global component.

Default: PerfectScrollbar

tag {String}

Tag which will be render as perfect scrollbar container

Default: div

watchOptions {Boolean}

Set true if you want to update perfect-scrollbar on options change

Default: false

options {Object}: Options

perfect-scrollbar options.

Default: {}

Local Registration

            <p> Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. </p>
import { PerfectScrollbar } from 'vue2-perfect-scrollbar'
export default {
    components: {
<style src="vue2-perfect-scrollbar/dist/vue2-perfect-scrollbar.css"/>

Edit Vue Template


tag {String}

Tag which will be render as perfect scrollbar container

Default: div

watchOptions {Boolean}

Set true if you want to update perfect-scrollbar on options change

Default: false

options {Object}: Options

perfect-scrollbar options.


You can use Vue.js way to listen on the all perfect-scrollbar events. List of events you can find here

Simple example:

  <div id="app">
    <perfect-scrollbar @ps-scroll-y="onScroll" ref="scrollbar">
      <div>your content here</div>

export default {
  methods: {
    onScroll(event) {
      console.log(this.$refs.scrollbar.ps, event);

Edit Vue Perfect Scrollbar Event Listening


https://mercs600.github.io/vue2-perfect-scrollbar/. You can also fork example from codesandbox


Custom scrollbar behavior with router.

One of simple solution to setup custom scrollbar to top when your route is changed.

  1. Add perfect scrollbar as wrapper for router-view and add simple ref
<perfect-scrollbar ref="scroll">
  1. Add watch on $route to setup scroll container to 0, when route is changed.
watch: {
  $route() {
    this.$refs.scroll.$el.scrollTop = 0;

Edit vue2-perfect-scrollbar with router