
🤖 Apps that utilize the astounding power of ChatGPT or enhance its UX

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🤖 ChatGPT apps  Tweet

Apps that utilize the astounding AI of ChatGPT or enhances its UX. // 利用 ChatGPT 惊人的 AI 或增强其 UX 的附加组件。

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Autoclear ChatGPT History Mentioned in Awesome Userscripts

Auto-clear your ChatGPT query history for maximum privacy. // 自动清除您的 ChatGPT 查询历史记录以获得最大的隐私。
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Autopass Cloudflare CAPTCHA

Automatically verify your humanity during Cloudflare Turnstile challenges. // 在 Cloudflare Turnstile 挑战期间自动验证您的人性。
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BraveGPT BraveGPT - Bring the magic of ChatGPT to Brave Search! | Product Hunt

Display ChatGPT answers in Brave Search sidebar. // 在 Brave Search 侧边栏中显示 ChatGPT 答案。
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ChatGPT Auto Refresh ↻ Mentioned in Awesome Userscripts

Keeps ChatGPT sessions fresh to eliminate network errors + Cloudflare checks. // 保持 ChatGPT 会话新鲜以消除网络错误 + Cloudflare 检查。
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ChatGPT Heartbeat 💓

Keeps conversations flowing when network errors are encountered. // 在遇到网络错误时保持对话流畅。
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ChatGPT Widescreen Mode 🖥️ ChatGPT Widescreen Mode - Add widescreen + full window modes to ChatGPT | Product Hunt

Adds Widescreen + Full-Window modes to ChatGPT for reduced scrolling. // 向 ChatGPT 添加宽屏 + 全窗口模式以减少滚动。
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DuckDuckGPT DuckDuckGPT - Bring the magic of ChatGPT to DuckDuckGo | Product Hunt

Display ChatGPT answers in DuckDuckGo sidebar. // 在 DuckDuckGo 侧边栏中显示 ChatGPT 答案。
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