
Router Generator for Elm Single Page Application

Primary LanguageElmMIT LicenseMIT



An experimental code generator for an Single Page Application with multiple pages in Elm.

Alchemist Sendivogius


The Elm Architecture is simple and readable architecture that suitable for use with simgle page application. However, you need write a lot of boring boilerplates when you want to add a new page in your application: For example, in your Main module, You need to add import declarations, add data constructor to hold Msg from child in parent Msg, add routes in routing and so on. alchelmy try to generate those boilerplates automatically.

In PHP, to add a new page, all you need is adding a single Foo.php in your project. In a like manner, in Alchelmy, all you need is adding only <PageName>.elm and writing few codes in it. You don't need to tweak a lot of huge case-of branches by hand any more.

In essense, the behavior of Alchelmy is very simple: alchelmy generates only one source file named Alchemly.elm. This is the Elm codes that orchestrates Web pages written in Elm.

This project is highly experimental, so your comments or suggestions are welcome.

Working Sample Application

Please see example and the automatically generated Alchelmy.elm for more information. You can also check out the example app at the following url:


Defining page modules

Alchelmy Page Module

An page module have to export types and values named as:

  • Route
  • Msg
  • Model
  • page : Page Model Msg Route a

Page type is defined as:

type alias Page model msg route a =
    { init : Value -> Url -> Key -> route -> ( model, Cmd msg )
    , view : model -> Document msg
    , update : msg -> model -> ( model, Cmd msg )
    , subscriptions : model -> Sub msg
    , onUrlRequest : UrlRequest -> msg
    , onUrlChange : Url -> msg
    , route : Parser (route -> a) a
    , session : model -> Value

This Page type is similar to the first argument of Browser.application function, however notice that some properties and arguments are added. The route property is page-by-page URL parsers and express page location. route value extracted from URL will be passed to the init function of the page module. So you also need to define the Route type in the page module.


alchelmy isn't in NPM yet. You can use npm i aratama/alchelmy to install alchelmy locally and npx alchelmy to execute alchelmy from CLI. You can also run alchelmy via npx aratama/alchelmy. You also need to install elm/browser, elm/json and elm/url in your project dependencies in advance.

Command Line Interfaces

alchelmy has a command line interface:

  • alchelmy init <application> will generate src/<Application> directory and make some scaffolds.
  • alchelmy update will (re)generate src/<Application>/Alchemy.elm.
  • alchelmy new <page> will generate a new page named <page>.

Building Alchelmy Itself

$ npm i
$ npm run build

Known Limitations

  • You can't specify order of precedence of routes. You should take care not to overlap routings.

Comparison to Other Projects

There are some simillar projects:
