
Sample django api to encrypt files and deploy it on docker

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Write a script, which will convert json files to xml files, encrypt and transfer it in a remote location.

Python, Docker

Solution should be prepared as two Docker images, 1st to send files, and 2nd to receive them.

Python script on image A:
1. convert all json files to xml
2. encrypt the files
3. Transfer it to a remote location (machine B)

Python script on image B:
1. Receive files
2. Decrypt and store files

So, in other words, pipeline should look like:
Json -> XML -> encryption -> transfer -> decryption -> XML


1. Docker >= 18.04. Installed and running.
2. OS: Tested on Centos 7.5
3. Machine B should be ssh-able from Machine A and vice-versa.
4. Internet should be accessible on the host where images will be built.
5. Docker hub registry should be accessible.


On Machine A and Machine B:

1. Untar neueda.tar.gz:
tar -zxvf neueda.tar.gz
cd neueda/
2. Give executable permission to jsontoxml.sh
chmod +x jsontoxml.sh

On Machine A:
3.a. Open jsontoxml.sh and Edit the following variables:

HOST_NAME= ###IP of Machine B
HOST_USERNAME=root ###Username of Machine B for scp. This user should have full access to $FILE_PATH.
HOST_PASSWORD="root@123" ###Password of Machine B for scp.
FILE_PATH="/root/files" ###File path on Machine A and Machine B where json and xml files will be stored.
                        ###This directory will be created if does not exist. Executing user should have full access to this directory.
ENCRYPT_PASSWORD="mypassword" ###Password for encrypting files. Should be same on both Machines.
IMAGE_NAME=aratik711/django:2.2 ###Image name to be built
PORT=8000 ###Port on Docker host on which API is to be exposed

Save file and exit

On Machine B:
3.b. Open jsontoxml.sh and Edit the following variables:

HOST_NAME= ###IP of Machine A
HOST_USERNAME=root ###Username of Machine A for scp. This user should have full access to $FILE_PATH.
HOST_PASSWORD="root@123" ###Password of Machine A for scp.
FILE_PATH="/root/files" ###File path on Machine A and Machine B where json and xml files will be stored.
                        ###This directory will be created if does not exist. Executing user should have full access to this directory.
ENCRYPT_PASSWORD="mypassword" ###Password for encrypting files. Should be same on both Machines.
IMAGE_NAME=aratik711/django:2.2 ###Image name to be built
PORT=8000 ###Port on Docker host on which API is to be exposed

Save file and exit

On both the machines:
4. To install execute:
User executing this script should be added to docker group and should have access to $FILE_PATH.
sh jsontoxml.sh install

5. To encrypt files use the following API POST request:

key: file
type: file
value: choose the JSON file

key: remark
type: text
value: Any comment(string) of your choice

cURL example:

curl -X POST \
  http://localhost:8000/api/v1/encrypt/ \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F file=@/Users/response_1543817571032_NPnH5Wb.json \
  -F remark=sample-file

6. To decrypt files use the following API GET request:

cURL example:

curl -X GET \

The decrypted files will be available on $FILE_PATH on Machine B.
Note: All the encrypted files in $FILE_PATH will be decrypted. No need to choose any file.
If encrypt is called on Machine A, decrypt is to executed on Machine B and vice-versa.

7. Cleanup:
sh install.sh cleanup ###You will be asked for confirmation. Please press y then press Enter key
This will delete the docker containers.

1. Converts one json file to xml and send to remote machine at a time
2. Decryption of all the sent encrypted files can be done at the same time.
3. JSON files will be uploaded to a directory in Machine A
4. The XML files will be converted but not be stored on Machine A.
5. The encrypted files will not be stored in Machine A.
6. The encrypted files will be deleted from Machine B once decrypted.
7. Only decrypted XML files will be stored in Machine B.
8. Transfer of files will be done over SCP.
9. Only username/password based SCP transfer supported.
10. Files will be uploaded and stored on the same directory in Machine A and Machine B.
11. JSON upload not validated. Only upload valid json files.
12. Only one django server container is to be deployed on one machine.
13. Currently file transfer only between 2 machines is supported.