
🚀 Blazing fast gRPC server (C++)

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


license build release

🚀 Blazing fast gRPC C++ Server implemented using modern standards (C++20).


  • Fast - More than 2x faster compared to the official implementation(s).
  • Simple - Overall smaller codebase and 95% less generated code compared to the official implementation.
  • Flexible - The application code is given greater implementation choice by using C++ concepts instead of being restricted to one choice.


You can find more detailed benchmark results in uatuko#25 and uatuko#21 (comment).

1a 1b 2a 2b 3a 3b
gRPC v1.48.4 (callback) 25k 87k 76k 152k 96k 142k
grpc-go v1.56.2 27k 103k 94k 191k 90k 308k
Rust (tonic v0.10.2) 29k 66k 95k 176k 68k 212k
grpcxx v0.2.0 (single-threaded) 42k 193k 120k 449k 160k 452k
grpcxx v0.2.0 (2 workers) 33k 166k 120k 431k 91k 425k
grpcxx v0.2.0 (hardware concurrency) 34k 164k 118k 450k 101k 408k


You can find a bit more detailed documentation in docs/.

Getting started



There aren't any installable packages at this stage but you can add this to your CMake project as a dependency using FetchContent.


# grpcxx
  URL      https://github.com/uatuko/grpcxx/archive/refs/tags/v0.1.3.tar.gz
  URL_HASH SHA256=441ca21bed3c0413623440c1608da44e60931631af1dc609c18e4a955f8cb3a5

Using grpcxx

💡 You can find a complete helloworld example here.

In order to use grpcxx (similar to other gRPC implementations) you'll need to;

  1. Generate code
  2. Implement RPC endpoints
  3. Run a server to process RPC requests

Code generation

You can use the protoc-gen-grpcxx Protobuf compiler plugin to generate the Protobuf and gRPC server code.


❯ protoc --proto_path=. \
  --cpp_out=/path/to/output \
  --grpcxx_out=/path/to/output \
  --plugin=/path/to/protoc-gen-grpcxx \

This will generate 3 files, which you'll need to compile and include in your build.

❯ tree /path/to/output
└── helloworld
  └── v1
    ├── greeter.grpcxx.pb.h
    ├── greeter.pb.cc
    └── greeter.pb.h

Implementing RPC endpoints

Code generation only creates a stub service to return UNIMPLEMENTED gRPC status responses for all the endpoints. You will need to add your own implementation to return something more meaningful.

One way to do this is by specialising the generated ServiceImpl struct.


#include "helloworld/v1/greeter.grpcxx.pb.h"

using namespace helloworld::v1::Greeter;

// Implement rpc application logic using template specialisation for generated `ServiceImpl` struct
template <>
rpcHello::result_type ServiceImpl::call<rpcHello>(
  grpcxx::context &, const GreeterHelloRequest &req) {
  GreeterHelloResponse res;
  res.set_message("Hello `" + req.name() + "` 👋");
  return {grpcxx::status::code_t::ok, res};

💡 The generated ServiceImpl struct is a very simple struct with 6 lines of code. You can easily create your own instead of having to use the generated code giving you more flexibility to structure your code in a way that works best for you. An example of this can be found here.

Running a server


helloworld::v1::Greeter::ServiceImpl greeter; // Instance of the RPC implementation
helloworld::v1::Greeter::Service     service(greeter); // Service (using the RPC implementation)

grpcxx::server server; // Server instance
server.add(service); // Add the service to the server instance

std::printf("Listening on [] ...\n");
server.run("", 7000); // Listen and serve