
A list of important algorithms to study

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A list of important algorithms to study

  • Singly Linked List Reversal
  • Flyod Cycle Detection Algorithm
  • Sliding Window
  • Binary Search
  • Kadane's Algorithm
  • Quick Select
  • Insertion Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Counting Sort
  • Heap Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort
  • Topological Sort
  • Preorder Traversal of a Binary Tree
  • Inorder Traversal of a Binary Tree
  • Postorder Traversal of a Binary Tree
  • Level Order Traversal
  • Breadth First Search in a Graph
  • Depth First Search in a Graph
  • Flood Fill Algorithm
  • Kruskal's Algorithm
  • Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  • Dijkstra’s Algorithm
  • Bellman Ford Algorithm
  • Lee Algorithm
  • Graph Bipartite
  • Union-Find Algorithm
  • KMP Algorithm
  • Euclid's Algorithm
  • Boyer–Moore Majority Vote Algorithm
  • Dutch National Flag Algorithm
  • Huffman Coding Algorithm
  • Detect Cycle in a Directed Graph
  • Zig Zag Traversal of a Matrix
  • A* Algorithm
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Segment Trees
  • Binary Indexed Trees (Fenwick Trees)
  • Rabin-Karp Algorithm
  • Suffix Array and Suffix Tree
  • B+ Trees
  • Convex Hull Algorithms (e.g., Graham Scan, Jarvis March)
  • Strassen's Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication
  • RSA Algorithm
  • Bloom Filters
  • Fast Fourier Transform
  • Gauss-Jordan / Gaussian Elimination
  • Randomized Algorithms (e.g., Monte Carlo, Las Vegas)
  • Viterbi Algorithm
  • PageRank
  • Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) Compression
  • Simulated Annealing
  • Backtracking
  • N-Queens Problem Solutions
  • Miller-Rabin Primality Test
  • Linear Programming (Simplex Algorithm)
  • Minimax with Alpha-Beta Pruning
  • Cocke-Younger-Kasami (CYK) Algorithm
  • Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm
  • Apriori Algorithm
  • Gradient Descent and Its Variants (e.g., Stochastic Gradient Descent, Adam)
  • Collaborative Filtering Algorithms
  • Tarjan's Algorithm
  • Edmonds-Karp Algorithm
  • Z Algorithm
  • Manacher's Algorithm
  • Prefix Tree