Ginger Payments PHP Assignment


  • PHP 5.4 or later.
  • Composer

How to install

After cloning this repository, go to its root folder and run this command:

composer install

How to run

Include composer autoloader:

include_once "ginger-payments-php-assignment/vendor/autoload.php";

Then create a new Address Book:

use \GingerPayments\AddressBook;
$addressBook = new AddressBook\AddressBook("My Address Book");

Adding a person

To add a person, you can do this:

$person = $addressBook->addPerson("Lucas", "Araujo");

Adding a group

To add a group, it's as easy as adding a person:

$group = $addressBook->addGroup("Just a test group");

Find group's members


Find person's groups


Find a person by name

$addressBook->getPersonByName("", "Araujo");

Find a person by email (substring)


Run the tests

You should run these commands:

composer install --dev

Design-only question

  • Find person by email address (can supply any substring, ie. "comp" should work assuming "" is an email address in the address book) - discuss how you would implement this without coding the solution.

I would use PHP's native function strpos(). It searches in a string in a similar way to "LIKE '%STRING%'" in MySQL. It fits perfectly.