Segaleo is an ordering application (Personal Digital Assistant) that exists in every room of a hotel unit. This application facilitates the delivery of room service menu items to the customer, as well as the immediate booking of activities.
This project was created for the needs of our Software Engineering lessons in University of Macedonia. The team consists of 10 students who worked together to write code and compose any deliverable assignments throughout the semester.
- Αμπατζίδου Ελισάβετ
- Δασύρα Ευμορφία-Ελπίδα
- Λούστα Αραβέλλα
- Μιχαλόπουλος Φίλιππος-Ιωάννης
- Μούτσα Μικέλ
- Μπλάγας Ιωάννης
- Πέπα Λέοναρντ
- Πρίντεζης Αντώνης
- Τσακατάνης Χρήστος-Γερμανός
- Φιρέζ Δαυίδ
clone the repository with git clone
you can run the program by navigating to Segaleo with cd Segaleo
and run inside the src/aplication/main
Or open the segaleo.jar (needs to be in the same folder with the project to run)