
Demo app to showcase Gluster Events APIs

Primary LanguageElm

As an experiment to showcase the capabilities of Gluster Events APIs, Created a dashboard for Gluster Geo-replication.

Note: This is not ready for production use Yet!

Real-time notifications/UI change only works with Gluster 3.9 or above, but dashboard will work with older versions of gluster too.


Install the following Python dependencies using,

sudo pip install flask flask_sockets glustercli

Install elm and bower using,

sudo npm install -g bower elm

Update the serverName in App.elm and then generate static/app.js using,(editing serverName should be automatic, this is code bug! will fix later)

elm-package install
elm-make App.elm --output static/app.js

Install purecss for style using,

cd static
bower install


Start the main.py in any node of the Cluster. Dashboard can be accessed using http://nodename:5000

Test and register this node as Events API subscriber by calling webhook-add command. Read more about starting Events service here

gluster-eventsapi webhook-test http://nodename:5000/listen

If Webhook status is OK from all nodes, then add webhook using,

gluster-eventsapi webhook-add http://nodename:5000/listen

Thats all! If everything is okay, dashboard will show realtime Geo-replication status.


UI Changes when a Geo-rep session is stopped from anywhere in Cluster
When Geo-replication Stopped

UI Changes when a Geo-rep session goes to Faulty
When Geo-replication is Faulty

UI/Dashboard Notes

  • UI is very raw since it is created for demo purpose
  • Frontend developed using Elm
  • No event available for change in "Last Synced" column, So that column value will not match with realtime output from status command. Refresh the page to see the latest status.