
collection of Python, PHP and other scripts

Primary LanguagePython

My collection of scripts written in Python, PHP and other languages


Generates all posible kaagunita of Kannada. Prints count in last line in the output file.

python3 kagunita.py > out_kagunita.txt


Generates all possible combination of one level vattaksharas. Prints count in last line in the output file.

python3 first_level_vattakshara.py > out_first.txt


Generates all possible combination of two level vattaksharas. Prints count in last line in the output file.

python3 second_level_vattakshara.py > out_second.txt


Generates NGram list.


Shell Script to download the books from DLI.

sh dli_downloader http://www.dli.gov.in/data/upload/0046/845/PTIFF 5 10 Bhagavatha_Bhava_Prakasha