
Grunt plugin for converting HTML templates to plain old JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Fork of https://github.com/karlgoldstein/grunt-html2js


Converts HTML templates to plain old JavaScript

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-html2plainjs --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "html2plainjs" task


Compiles HTML to plain old Javascript. Use angular: true option to work in html2js mode. options.rename is mandatory, and should return a valid string like so '$templateCache_'+renameReturn which should be an full word/valid variable name.


By default, this plugin assumes you are following the naming conventions and build pipeline of the angular-app demo application.

In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named html2plainjs to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig().

This simplest configuration will assemble all templates in your src tree into a module named templates-main, and write the JavaScript source for the module to tmp/template.js:

  html2plainjs: {
    options: {
      // custom options, see below
    main: {
      src: ['src/**/*.tpl.html'],
      dest: 'tmp/templates.js'


The dest property must be a string. If it is an array, Grunt will fail when attempting to write the bundle file.



Type: String Default value: 'src'

The prefix relative to the project directory that should be stripped from each template path to produce a module identifier for the template. For example, a template located at src/projects/projects.tpl.html would be identified as just projects/projects.tpl.html.


Type: String Default value: 'js'

Language of the output file. Possible values: 'coffee', 'js'.


Type: String or Function Default value: templates-TARGET

The name of the parent Angular module for each set of templates. Defaults to the task target prefixed by templates-.

The value of this argument can be a string or a function. The function should expect the module file path and grunt task name as arguments, and it should return the name to use for the parent Angular module.

If no bundle module is desired, set this to false.


Type: Function Required

A function that takes in the module identifier and returns the renamed module identifier to use instead for the template. For example, a template located at src/projects/projects.tpl.html would be identified as /src/projects/projects.tpl with a rename function defined as:

function (moduleName) {
  return '/' + moduleName.replace('.html', '');


Type: Character Default value: "

Strings are quoted with double-quotes by default. However, for projects that want strict single quote-only usage, you can specify:

options: { quoteChar: '\'' }

to use single quotes, or any other odd quoting character you want


Type: String Default value:

By default a 2-space indent is used for the generated code. However, you can specify alternate indenting via:

options: { indentString: '    ' }

to get, for example, 4-space indents. Same goes for tabs or any other indent system you want to use.


Type: String Default value: ``

If specified, this string will get written at the top of the output Template.js file. As an example, jshint directives such as /* global angular: false */ can be put at the head of the file.


Type: String Default value: ``

If specified, this string will get written at the end of the output file. May be used in conjunction with fileHeaderString to wrap the output.


Type: Boolean Default value: ``

If set true, each module in JavaScript will have 'use strict'; written at the top of the module. Useful for global strict jshint settings.

options: { useStrict: true }


Type: Object Default value: {}

Minifies HTML using html-minifier.

options: {
  htmlmin: {
    collapseBooleanAttributes: true,
    collapseWhitespace: true,
    removeAttributeQuotes: true,
    removeComments: true,
    removeEmptyAttributes: true,
    removeRedundantAttributes: true,
    removeScriptTypeAttributes: true,
    removeStyleLinkTypeAttributes: true


Type: Object or Boolean or Function Default value: false

Performs arbitrary processing on the template as part of the compilation process.

Option value can be one of:

  1. a function that accepts content and filepath as arguments, and returns the transformed content
  2. an object that is passed as the second options argument to grunt.template.process (with the file content as the first argument)
  3. true to call grunt.template.process with the content and no options


Type: Boolean Default value: false

If set to true, will create a single wrapping module with a run block, instead of an individual module for each template file. Requires that the module option is not falsy.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

If set to true, will use an existing module with the name from module, instead of creating a new module. Requires that singleModule is not falsy.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

If set to true and used in conjunction with a long running/keep-alive process such as grunt-contrib-watch html2plainjs will watch src files for changes and regenerate output to dest. It uses an internal cache so only the file that changes needs to be re-compliled. Useful for development process particularly if you have lots of jade templates. It is very similar to grunt-browserify's watch.

N.B. If using grunt-watch you do not need to run the html2plainjs task again on src changes as it watches internally for these. All you need to do is watch the destination file and live reload on change.


Type: Boolean Default value: false

If set to true, will wrap output in a define block so it is compatible with AMD module loaders such as RequireJS without requiring you to shim the module.


Type: String Default value: define(['angular'], function(angular){\n

When options.amd is set to true, this is what will be prepended to the module to make it compatible with AMD module loaders. Along with amdSuffixString, these two options should allow you to customize the way your AMD module is created.


Type: String Default Value: });

When options.amd is set to true, this is what will be postpended to the module to make it compatible with AMD module loaders. Along with amdPrefixString, these two options should allow you to customize the way your AMD module is created.

options: {
  jade: {},
  watch: true

Jade support

If template filename ends with .jade the task will automatically render file's content using Jade then compile into JS.

Options can be passed to Jade within a jade property in the plugin options.

options: {
  jade: {
    //this prevents auto expansion of empty arguments
    //e.g. "div(ui-view)" becomes "<div ui-view></div>"
    //     instead of "<div ui-view="ui-view"></div>"
    doctype: "html"

Usage Examples

See the Gruntfile.js in the project source code for various configuration examples.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.