Registration of point clouds from air borne systems for change detection
This project contains source code realated to the following papers
Change detection using Airborne Systems : Applications to Earthquakes Aravindhan K Krishnan, Edwin Nissen, Srikanth Saripalli and Ramon Arrowsmith. International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER) 2012
Three-dimensional coseismic surface displacements and rotations from pre- and post-earthquake Lidar point clouds Edwin Nissen, Aravindhan K Krishnan, Ramon Arrowsmith and Srikanth Saripalli Geophysical Research Letters (GRL), 2012
Coseismic fault zone deformation revealed with differential LiDAR: examples from Japanese Mw ~7 intraplate earthquakes Edwin Nissen, Tadashi Maruyama, J. Ramon Arrowsmith, John R. Elliott, Aravindhan K Krishnan, Michael E. Oskin, and Srikanth Saripalli Earth and Planetary Science Letters (EPSL) 2014